Group photo taken aboard refurbished Boeing
747-367 (registration AP-BGG) operating Karachi-London-Karachi
flight PK-787/788. Seen
in this photo from left to right are: PIA Chief Line Maintenance
Mr. Sarwar, PIA Senior Vice President
Flight Safety & HSE and ex-Boeing 747 commander Capt. Shahnawaz Dara, Engineer Shahid Masood,
Engineer Wajid Sajid and PIA's London base engineers. The photo
was taken at London-Heathrow Airport on November 22, 2006 on
resumption of PIA Boeing 747 flights for United Kingdom. Earlier
European Authorities (EU) had imposed restrictions on PIA Boeing 747
operations for Europe. AP-BGG underwent heavy maintenance and
refurbishment work at Karachi Airport before resuming service
for London on November 22. The PIA team seen in this photo had a long
meeting with EU aviation authority in London and finally got
approval to fly back the 747-300 as flight PK-788 |