PIA advertisement
from 1963. The advertisement reads:
"Do try not to
be late. PIA almost never is. Every airline has a thing. You
know, like serving 179 hors-d'oeuvres or something like that.
Our thing is being on time. PIA's record: a smart 13.4% better
than the 75% punctuality recommended by the FAA. We do it by
keeping our jets in such sparkling shape that last year we had
only 2% technical delays. PIA intends to maintain that record.
So do try to be on time; we almost always are...and we just
can't wait for anyone-not even very VIP's. Your travel agent
will book you aboard to London, Frankfurt, Geneva, Rome, Beirut,
Teheran, Karachi, plus connections to India, Nepal and Burma." |