raihans wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:36 pm
glad to see PIA resumed to EU, in beginning they should have started 3x weekly flight rather than 2x weekly, giving better connection for passengers and less stay time for crew at Paris, especially those operating Sunday sortie, have to wait till Friday to fly back
It’s okay now they will have extra time to run away
raihans wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:36 pm
glad to see PIA resumed to EU, in beginning they should have started 3x weekly flight rather than 2x weekly, giving better connection for passengers and less stay time for crew at Paris, especially those operating Sunday sortie, have to wait till Friday to fly back
It’s okay now they will have extra time to run away
it's embarrassing to see such activity by PIA crew, i hope they don't do this anymore
Why is it embaressing if the crew...? It is again publicity or? When I commented at the pathetic ad of PIA, some forum member enlightened me that 'all publicity is good publicity'
Just saw a video on youtube, someone wanted to record the flight from Paris, however a old and miserable PIA air hostess told him of twice to stop filming. Why does PIA crew behave so hostile towards passengers? Especially when the route recently restarted don’t they want some recognition/promotion. Honestly, whichever buyer takes over PIA will have a LOT of work to do to fix the mess it is currently in.
planefan2003 wrote: Fri Mar 28, 2025 8:02 pm
Just saw a video on youtube, someone wanted to record the flight from Paris, however a old and miserable PIA air hostess told him of twice to stop filming. Why does PIA crew behave so hostile towards passengers? Especially when the route recently restarted don’t they want some recognition/promotion. Honestly, whichever buyer takes over PIA will have a LOT of work to do to fix the mess it is currently in.
I don’t think this is true as pia has some of the best reviews for plane crew. Send the video so we can all see
planefan2003 wrote: Fri Mar 28, 2025 8:02 pm
Just saw a video on youtube, someone wanted to record the flight from Paris, however a old and miserable PIA air hostess told him of twice to stop filming. Why does PIA crew behave so hostile towards passengers? Especially when the route recently restarted don’t they want some recognition/promotion. Honestly, whichever buyer takes over PIA will have a LOT of work to do to fix the mess it is currently in.
It's easy to blame the air hostess but she is just following PIA's policy which prohibits passengers from any sort of photography or filming on board: viewtopic.php?t=32753
planefan2003 wrote: Fri Mar 28, 2025 8:02 pm
Just saw a video on youtube, someone wanted to record the flight from Paris, however a old and miserable PIA air hostess told him of twice to stop filming. Why does PIA crew behave so hostile towards passengers? Especially when the route recently restarted don’t they want some recognition/promotion. Honestly, whichever buyer takes over PIA will have a LOT of work to do to fix the mess it is currently in.
It's easy to blame the air hostess but she is just following PIA's policy which prohibits passengers from any sort of photography or filming on board: viewtopic.php?t=32753
Actually, this isn't just a PIA issue. A lot of airlines ask passengers not to record. I don't understand why we are so quick to bash PIA for everything. When others do it, we praise it.
planefan2003 wrote: Fri Mar 28, 2025 8:02 pm
Just saw a video on youtube, someone wanted to record the flight from Paris, however a old and miserable PIA air hostess told him of twice to stop filming. Why does PIA crew behave so hostile towards passengers? Especially when the route recently restarted don’t they want some recognition/promotion. Honestly, whichever buyer takes over PIA will have a LOT of work to do to fix the mess it is currently in.
And in most cases, these so-called bloggers have the camera smack in the face of the cabin crew without even asking for their permission.
planefan2003 wrote: Fri Mar 28, 2025 8:02 pm
Just saw a video on youtube, someone wanted to record the flight from Paris, however a old and miserable PIA air hostess told him of twice to stop filming. Why does PIA crew behave so hostile towards passengers? Especially when the route recently restarted don’t they want some recognition/promotion. Honestly, whichever buyer takes over PIA will have a LOT of work to do to fix the mess it is currently in.