Great work as always Rashad.
Had a little look at your website too and it looks like it will be good.
However there was one page that set off afew alarm bells. The page where you offer to do custom liveries but for a price?
I've checked the README files supplied with the PMDG and CLS and both state that all repaints are to be freeware.
Section from CLS PDF provided with the A300 paintkit.
"Also, all repaints should stay freeware, it is not allowed to ask money for them"
Section from the PMDG 747-400X readme.
"All files are property of Precision Manuals Development Group (PMDG) and may only be used for painting add-on liveries
for the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies airliner. Painted liveries may be upload to FREEWARE file libraries such as the file library.
Once again - Uploading to FREEWARE Sites only! Commercial use of these files is strictly prohibited."
You will probably find that all the companies have the same rules.
I just wanted to make you aware of this because other wise you could get into alot of legal and copyright trouble.
Other than that keep up the good work