PIA 747-400 Lahore Complete!

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PIA 747-400 Lahore Complete!

Post by rashad546 »

Asalaam a lekum everyone just to let you know i have finished my PIA 747-400 lahore garden of the mughals livery for the default fsx 747-400
Flight Simulation X! PIA 747 regisration AP-BFW
Coming next week to download on Flightsim.com!
i enclose photograps!.

My stage 2 im working on now which is the interior cockpit design and inshallahah next week will be uploaded and i will enclose my finished interior design of the cockpit on this post!

Last edited by rashad546 on Sat May 30, 2009 1:16 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by ahmedshaikhani »

Nice work...!!
I wish that PIA has this jumbo in its fleet.
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Post by rashad546 »

you never know bro in next 5 to 10 years countries always upgrade! It doesnt mean we cant stop dreaming and fly it in virtual reality! :)
and those last pictures were my Lahore Collection of my A.I aircraft which ive made my default fsx livery to fly as the standard PIA 747-400 fsx A.I aircraft!
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My cockpit update!

Post by rashad546 »

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Post by rashad546 »

Last edited by rashad546 on Sat May 30, 2009 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by munky »

Great work as always Rashad. :thumbs_up:

Had a little look at your website too and it looks like it will be good.
However there was one page that set off afew alarm bells. The page where you offer to do custom liveries but for a price?
I've checked the README files supplied with the PMDG and CLS and both state that all repaints are to be freeware.

Section from CLS PDF provided with the A300 paintkit.
"Also, all repaints should stay freeware, it is not allowed to ask money for them"

Section from the PMDG 747-400X readme.
"All files are property of Precision Manuals Development Group (PMDG) and may only be used for painting add-on liveries
for the PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies airliner. Painted liveries may be upload to FREEWARE file libraries such as the
Avsim.com file library.

Once again - Uploading to FREEWARE Sites only! Commercial use of these files is strictly prohibited."

You will probably find that all the companies have the same rules.

I just wanted to make you aware of this because other wise you could get into alot of legal and copyright trouble. :(

Other than that keep up the good work :D
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Post by rashad546 »

i now want to do standard fs2004 and standards fsx liveries for free!
sorry for the change of mine its cause ive just set up in business!
the painkits yes the are freeware for anyone to add free livery of their own & their is no law saying you cant create your own liveries and sell on the market with your painkit you create ! just thought id let you know ! their are freelance designers doing it right now creating their own painkits legally this is where ive stepped in!
hope this helps! :)

Also those sites say we are not allowed to sell their painkits which im not selling their paintkits or their files! i will just be selling a simple file that i create and i repaint which will be similar to the files on their paintkit which will mean no more sim manufacturer rules! meaning their stuff will be used as a template only over a creation of my new template as a new file which i create without using their files for distribution which is legally safe!

It would be like saying ok now you create and give bread for free now ive stepped in going gona create my own and (sell) better -bread withough crossing your lines legally! hope this help!

its like when someone creates Audi other person will make BMW their will be open competition on the market and now one will stop you because you have created everthing by yourself and you are the copyrightholder!
Last edited by rashad546 on Thu May 28, 2009 10:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by rashad546 »

hope this help Legal & illigal issues! :)

Mbl phone manufactures brought out phones then custum painters starded painting them they got sued!. so the painters realised lets manufacture our own stuff and paint it! now they are ruling the world with custum phone facelifts new covers and stuff!

so who says in the flightsim world we cant do the same its legal and your right to manufacture your own stuff! chill as long as you dont take anyone elses stuff to sell their product. do it! do it right and legally and safe! thats what i always tell people make your own stuff :!:

:) .
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Post by munky »

Ah, didn't realise you were creating your own paint kits. Thats alot of work...!
(I know because I'm redoing the CLS A300 paint kit at the moment. Im seriously fed up with drawing rivets :lol: )
Im looking forward to seeing your work :D
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Post by rashad546 »

no problem! it is hard work if you wana create your own paintkit. look on the bright side at least you get to call it your own! :)

Creating rivets is a bit like shading in your painting as it has to be accurately done. but if you create multiple layers in photoshop you can easily copy your created layer and paste onto another part of body saving time!
Just remember to paste your new layer in the accurate position.
work becomes easy when you learn on using layers!

hope ive helped! :)