PIA reviews statements attributed to EU
KARACHI (March 01 2007): This concerns a series of news items appearing in a section of press quoting undisclosed EU sources from Brussels stating that EU plans to disallow some of PIA flight operations to EU destinations in view of certain technical concerns - neither cogently cited nor authentically presented.
For information of our valued readers, factual operational position is detailed. PIAC to date has received nothing in writing from European Union concerning any reported discontinuation of permission for PIA aircraft operations to European destinations. Relevantly mentioned, PIA continues to be engaged in with European Union's Aviation Safety Agency on all operational and professional issues concerning Aviation Industry in Asian Countries, PIA currently is included in the European Union's list as Safer Asian Aviation counterpart airline conforming to the maximum of all International Safety Standards.
PIA's technical consultations with EU counterparts are a continuous process and part of our round the clock professional exercise to maximise observance of International Safety Code, and the Airline satisfactorily is meeting all international aviation standards.
PIA's maintenance has been certified by IATA in terms of meeting all safety standards codified in user's manuals. To recapitulate PIA's history of meeting international safety standards, PIA Engineering & Maintenance department applied for JAR-145 Approval to Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) in the year 2002. Joint Aviation Authorities nominated GSAC (France) as approval awarding authority subject to successful audits of PIA Engineering & Maintenance department.
During 2003-2004, JAA was transformed into an autonomous body, named as the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). As a result of positive recommendation from OSAC (France), the 'EASA Part-145 approval was granted to PIA Engineering & Maintenance department in April 2004.
By virtue of this approval, PIA Engineering & Maintenance department is authorised to perform maintenance on European registered aircraft as 'EASA Part-145 Approved Maintenance Organisation (AMO)'.
Since April 2004 to March 2006, GSAC (France) auditors performed five surveillance audits of Engineering & Maintenance department to ensure continued validity of the subject approval.
In February 2006, the surveillance audit was also declared as the 'Re-certification Audit' and the recommendations by GSAC (France) resulted in the revalidation of the EASA Part-145 approval up to 15th April 2008.
PIA is one of the largest foreign airlines serving the EU destinations, besides operating to important destinations in the North America, Gulf, Saudi Arabia and the Far East. PIA's aircraft are safe and properly maintained.
The recent visit of EC's Air Safety Committee to Pakistan during 12-16 February 2007 culminated in a series of technical consultations with PIA management and mainly centred around technical upkeep, airworthiness and well kept interior of aircraft operating on European destinations.
The committee expressed satisfaction over PIA aircraft' operational and professional issues. It was followed by another meeting in Brussels during 21-23 February 2007.
Pakistan was represented by professional and technical experts from PIA and CAA wherein they put forth a range of operational data before Air Safety Committee of European Union to their satisfaction in terms of PIAC aircraft technical fitness, airworthiness and other cabin specific up keep/maintenance issues.
The committee appreciated PIAC's efforts towards maximisation of its aircraft excellent maintenance standards and airworthiness. The committee, however, counselled the airline to modernise its fleet according to latest technological advancement reached in aviation industry. Necessary refurbishment of PIAC's old aircraft is also in the pipeline as per EU standards.
As national carrier PIA currently is up-to-date with the safety audit conducted by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a body representing several hundred airlines around the world.
"Pakistan International Airlines is IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) certified until June 24, 2007." Moreover, PIA has always measured up to EU regulatory, certification, maintenance & standardisation, environmental protection and rule making requirements in the interest of global safety concerns and standards.
Going by EU press release of 12.10.2006 a couple of airlines of various countries (Thailand, DPRK Korea, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Swaziland, and Bangladesh) were occasionally disallowed for some of its flight operations to European Union destinations until they met necessary regulatory certifications from European Aviation Safety Agency.
Hence recently reported EU statement disallowing some of PIA aircraft flight operations to EU destinations for want of necessary exterior and interior refurbishment (not airworthiness and technical up keep) is nothing new in "world aviation industry". PIA as national flag carrier expects national press to act responsibly and verify the authenticity of overseas sources before running a sensitive news item that could negatively impact both, the public interest and morale - PIA Public Relations
Source: Business Recorder