PIA reschedules flight PK 790 for tomorrow morning

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Post by F.K »

the incident involving the malfunction and the one which implicates the 2 captains were two different flights out of toronto. i dont know abt the drinking habits of capt gabol but what just quoting what had been told to me.
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Post by Charliedelta11 »

I'll vouch for Capt Gabol and go with what AN has said..this report is pure nonsense..
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Post by SalamPaks »

I read that the flight was postponed till the next morning. That's no good because the two pilots will be hung over at that time.
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Post by AN »

FK you need to refrain from spreading these false rumors that you call "FACT" in your post.
You said one of these pilots was a family friend. Which one? did he tell you himself that he was drunk since you seem so sure about it.

just very sad.
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Post by DEZI »

75% of the pilots operating into liqour free destinations indulge in this type of leisure. I have witnessed pilots on lay over at abu dhabi buying duty free liqour in the arrival concourse. So an incident at Toronto should not disturb this forum.
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Post by beyblade »

well guys real story is very different................... No one was drinking and the flight was not delayed due to the pilots it was due to technical , since the crew landed back ............... they told the ground staff to call them and let them know once the aircraft is ready and as per the book atleast 12 hours before departure and since it was a LR flight multple crew is required................... once the aircraft was ready the station manager who normally consider themselves to be above everyone, they believe they can fly the airplane called the passengers and started boarding and nobody informed the crew. suddenly they realised that they were supposed to inform the crew so they sent the transport and told thgem to get ready in 30 minutes................the crew refused since they required 12 hours notice before departure............. since it was the fault of the station manager and his obedient staff and they were too scared of taking the responsibility they placed a blame on the crew that the crew were drunk...........no one was drunk and they were just following the book, while the station manager was convincing them they told him what if we were drunk then would you expect us to come to the airport in that condition and get arrested and that is why the station manager created a story and placed all the blame on the deck crew.

The flight was delayed and it was operated with single set and was not LR anymore when they landed in manchaster the cabin crew was exceeding the duty or already exceeded the duty and they had already informed the station manager toronto to inform the staff in manchaster to arrange the crew and since manchaster is a hub of 777, it was not a problem of getting a crew from there but the station manager never informed the manchaster staff and the flight was further delayed since this flight was no more an LR flight so the duty limit is also changed but in PIA its a common practice of the management not to follow the rules and regulations.

The flight was further delayed and the fresh crew was arranged. Thanks to MR corrupt Kirmani he suspended all the cabin crew and the deck crew for following the book.
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Post by AN »

and that is the true story

so for all you people who love to spread false rumors
and claim them to be facts as your family friend who was the pilot told you so

please dont do it
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Post by AP-BGJ »

yeah that is indeed the true story one of my mates in manchester has related the same story and guys please lets show some maturity in not cookin stuff up its after all the reputation of the pilots we r playin up with.

Please refrain from makin comments without any substantial proff to go with them

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Post by ConnieMan »

beyblade wrote:well guys real story is very different................... No one was drinking and the flight was not delayed due to the pilots it was due to technical , since the crew landed back ............... they told the ground staff to call them and let them know once the aircraft is ready and as per the book atleast 12 hours before departure and since it was a LR flight multple crew is required................... once the aircraft was ready the station manager who normally consider themselves to be above everyone, they believe they can fly the airplane called the passengers and started boarding and nobody informed the crew. suddenly they realised that they were supposed to inform the crew so they sent the transport and told thgem to get ready in 30 minutes................the crew refused since they required 12 hours notice before departure............. since it was the fault of the station manager and his obedient staff and they were too scared of taking the responsibility they placed a blame on the crew that the crew were drunk...........no one was drunk and they were just following the book, while the station manager was convincing them they told him what if we were drunk then would you expect us to come to the airport in that condition and get arrested and that is why the station manager created a story and placed all the blame on the deck crew.

The flight was delayed and it was operated with single set and was not LR anymore when they landed in manchaster the cabin crew was exceeding the duty or already exceeded the duty and they had already informed the station manager toronto to inform the staff in manchaster to arrange the crew and since manchaster is a hub of 777, it was not a problem of getting a crew from there but the station manager never informed the manchaster staff and the flight was further delayed since this flight was no more an LR flight so the duty limit is also changed but in PIA its a common practice of the management not to follow the rules and regulations.

The flight was further delayed and the fresh crew was arranged. Thanks to MR corrupt Kirmani he suspended all the cabin crew and the deck crew for following the book.
WOW this clearly shows how corrupt whole PIA managemant staff is, it dosen't matter where they are stationed in the world but they are showing there so called "profesnalisum", i am with the guys who vouched to clean up upper menegement culprets in this airline!, i don't know what more to say after reading this.....Its very SAD :( thing to do.

My honest appologies to flight deck crew of PK 790 as per my inital post on this topic, sorry guys but i got cought in the wind until this quoted post was posted.....
Last edited by ConnieMan on Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AN »

this should also show everyone how pilots have no say whatsoever in the management of the organization, and its the upper management calling ALL the shots.
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Post by Lufthansa Cargo »

Its good to hear that the pilots are not only trying to enforce their policies but also the law. It is very sad to hear that an airliner that needs their T7 crews more than anything else right now placed a full flight crew on suspension rather than just suspending the one person at YYZ who did not do their job.

I definately support the pesonel now that is sacking top management.

The majority of the time that an airliner blames the crew it is usually not the crew's fault but the people who usually think that they are flying the planes remember their positions only when something goes wrong and then blames the wrong deed on a totally innocent crew whether they are dead or not.

I hope that these crew personel have the guts to retaliate and take this to court. After all they were doing everything by the books. "May God help all that try to bring back the goodness in PIA and sack those that just eat more money than what is due to them and also do not do their jobs properly. Ameen"
Salem Aziz

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Post by DEZI »

beyblade. What is the source of your story?
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Post by zerbaer »

Dawn 18-1-07 Letters..

Delayed flight from Toronto

PIA’s flight from Toronto PK 790 arrived in Lahore at 10am on Jan 13 instead of Jan 10 at its scheduled arrival time of 5 pm. When PIA bought Boeing 777 Long Range aircraft there was a lot of jubilations as if from now on things will change for the better.

This plane took off from Toronto airport only to land back in an emergency with severe engine damage. An engine failure is a serious problem which becomes more precarious on a two-engine aircraft.

These aircraft are hardly a year old. Yet there have been so many incidents from the date the first Boeing 777 ER was inducted. We have still not digested the frequent fires on 777 landing gears.

It seems PIA is not geared to handle new technology aircraft, or it points to bad managerial decision in training personnel and selection of individuals. PIA passengers’ confidence in new aircraft is shattered. A 60-hour delay is too long and very inconvenient to passengers travelling with families.

There was also this embarrassing controversy about the crew, which was telecast on Toronto local television. It is time to overhaul PIA’s maintenance, so that such failures do not occur on new aircraft. Mere denials will not resolve what is an evident lapse.

Mississauga, Canada
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Post by Abbas Ali »

A related news item

Link: http://palpa.org.pk/news-misc1a.php
Dil Dil Pakistan... Jaan Jaan Pakistan

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Abbas Ali wrote:A related news item

Link: http://palpa.org.pk/news-misc1a.php
What a cover-up!

Salute to the writer.