Group photo taken aboard AP-BGG. Seen in this photo from left to right are: PIA Chief Line Maintenance Mr. Sarwar, PIA Boeing 747 commander and Senior Vice President Flight Safety & HSE Capt. Shahnawaz Dara, Engineer Shahid Masood, Engineer Wajid Sajid and PIA's London base engineers. This team had long meeting with EU aviation authority and finally got approvel to fly back the 747-300.

AP-BGG taxiing towards gate.

The aircraft’s tail is sporting Frontier motif and is named ‘Kaghan – Mountain Paradise’.

Great Shot!

Photo 5.

Senior Aircraft Engineer Wajid Sajid and Senior Aircraft Engineer Qayuum at London-Heathrow Airport. Note PIA Boeing 777-240ER (AP-BGK) in the background.
Thank you Ali for sharing excellent photos. Visit Ali’s website Aer Pakistan at: http://www.geocities.com/aerpakistan/