Oslo flight delayed - pilot tests positive for alcohol

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Post by inducedrag »

Today PALPA president Capt Hamza and brother in law of Tahir F/O Rizwan have gone to Oslo to meet and help him.
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Post by Abbas Ali »

PIA co-pilot sentenced to jail

The co-pilot of a Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) jet has been sentenced to six months in jail after being caught in the cockpit under the influence of alcohol.

OSLO - 19 Sep 2006: The jail term was in line with what a public prosecutor had sought, reports newspaper Romerikes Blad, and is the heaviest penalty ever levied against a pilot in Norway.

The co-pilot had testified in court that he had consumed two or three drinks on the evening before he was to fly a PIA jet back to Pakistan, and that he later also consumed alcoholic beverages with his dinner. It remained unclear whether he would appeal his sentence.

The 48-year-old pilot had arrived in Oslo on a PIA flight from Istanbul and was put up at the Grand Hotel. On Saturday August 19 he was to fly as co-pilot on another PIA flight back to Pakistan.

He arrived at Gardermoen around noon, an hour before the flight was due to depart, according to Romerikes Blad. Police received a report that a pilot in uniform who had checked in baggage appeared intoxicated.

Two police officers later boarded the flight and found the pilot and co-pilot in the cockpit, where the co-pilot was in the process of updating the flight's computer system. The co-pilot testified in court that he had told the pilot he was sick and couldn't fly. The captain later denied this.

The co-pilot was tested on the scene and his blood-alcohol level was measured at 1.06. The court did not find the defendant's testimony to be credible, and ruled that the co-pilot could have put the lives of many passengers, crew and others in danger.

Source: Aftenposten
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Post by sAAd »

So the dude is in jail... in NORWAY ??
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Post by AP-BGL »

Would he be given the same rank in PIA once his punishment ends? Would he be flying an aircraft again?
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Post by sAAd »

I doubt..

I think he'l move down to Aero Asia or Shaheen Air, because at 48, he has a lot of experience on his side! AirBlue would be reluctant to hire him (my opinion), but then theres the new airline PEARL AIR !!

I doubt any other reputable airline will hire him any where in the world !!

What a way to mess up your career!!
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Post by Charliedelta11 »

i doubt PIA will let him go..though he might lose his seniority..they are facing such a massive pilot crunch..they cant afford to elt him go..inspite of his stupidity..
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Post by sAAd »

Id rather they fire him...

I've heard a lot of these incidents from my friends who have travelled with PIA. The crew (cabin included) apparently buy wine and champaign from the duty free and smuggling it into Pakistan.

This is a good time fro PIA to step up and show that it means business!!
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Post by Charliedelta11 »

an your friends were shwon the champagne by the crew before they 'smuggled' it into pakistan i presume ?
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Post by sAAd »

If ypour standing behind them in the duty free line, i belive the bottles would be clearly visible.

Also, consuming them before or onboard the flight would be against laws, which could only mean the one thing stated above.
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Post by beyblade »

Tahir Yousaf is fired from the airline and have come to a settlement with Oslo Government. He will be kept there till December and then will be released
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Post by INSIDER »

Well that is a good news and a lesson for rest of the pilots. but i know this doesnot make a single difference to any pilot. I dont want to tell the names but there are few pilots involved in this dirty business of smuggling and selling Alcohol in the country. They are very well connected with with the customs and other agencies and PIA management cannot do anything.

The famous group "BABU BATLI" in PIA is known to everyone but PIA management for some reason is helpless, if this continue the whole pilot community and the country will get the bad name
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Post by PK777 »

Charliedelta11 wrote:i doubt PIA will let him go..though he might lose his seniority..they are facing such a massive pilot crunch..they cant afford to elt him go..inspite of his stupidity..
I really wish what you have said never comes true. I consider that a really pathetic excuse to keep him!
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Post by Charliedelta11 »

what i said doesnt really amtter anymore does it ? hes been laid off anyway....
i know its a sad excuse to keep such a pilot but tell me...when was the last time something was actually done the RIGHT way in pakistan ?

Well that is a good news and a lesson for rest of the pilots. but i know this doesnot make a single difference to any pilot
i resent that...are u implying ALL PIA pilots are like that ? please be careful with what u say next time...use words like...'a few'..'a specific quota'....not ANY...
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Post by R.F. »

He'll be back, with a change of government and full back dated benefits with seniority intact. It's a matter of time. Seen it happen time and time again, nothing new in PIA.
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Post by anum tahir »

im tahir yusaf's daughter. i would just like to state that pia didnt even bother to inform us about the whole thing till today and did not help tahir yusaf in any way so u guys be careful n never expect anything from pia.
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