I am a fellow pakistani scenery designer. I haven't been active in the pakistani flightsim scene. Mostly because of the lack of good/accurate scenerys for pakistan, no atc and not enough panel addons to fly P.I.A fleet. but that has changed quite a bit lately.
So I finally decided to make myself known and start building pakistani airports.
My first project is OPLA/Allama Iqbal International Airport.
Again, this scenery is still in early stages. I am sure you won't be dissappointed.
Haroon, Welcome to History of PIA - Forums. It’s a stunning maiden project…it seems to be a pay-ware quality scenery, a great, marvellous & stupendous effort, you are a true asset of ours…wishing you all the best with your projects…keep up this great work!
its undoubtedly a highly realistic scenery...full marks for it!
umair_ayaz wrote:Haroon, Welcome to History of PIA - Forums. It’s a stunning maiden project…it seems to be a pay-ware quality scenery, a great, marvellous & stupendous effort, you are a true asset of ours…wishing you all the best with your projects…keep up this great work!
its undoubtedly a highly realistic scenery...full marks for it!
couldn't agree with u more Umair bhai jaan. This certainly looks like a payware scenery... bbut I think my freind here will keep it freeware right!!??
Is that some kind of joke or what? Brother there is another forum called PIA & Pakistan Aviation Photos Forum please post these shots there (we use it for REAL photos)
Welcome to the forum..
thanks alot for your work... So when (approx) can we expect that scenery?
The orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun averages about 30 km/s or 18 mps (108,000 km/h or 67000 mph).
Which means we're travelling 97 times the speed of sound. And yet we can't feel the motion,SubhanAllah
Well can we please know the estimated time for its release...........
Once again thank you and all those who are trying their best to keep up the Pakistani Simulation,,,,, specially PIA................(unlike real PIA........i must say if these guys go and handle PIA, if not amongst top airlines than atleast it would be out of the ditch that our so called PIA management is trying to push PIA into).
Its been almost a month since we were updated on this scenery. Any new updates on this A310pilot?? Im really looking forward to this PAYWARE like freeware scenery... It looks just like Fly Tampa sceneries!!
it's almost an year now when this post was announced...
was this just an false announcement? or is there really a flytampa like OPLA scenery coming? if so, when!!!!??????