PK 688 crash

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PK 688 crash

Post by Charliedelta11 »

I would have posted this in the original fokker crash thread but i figured i'd start a new one cuz i heard some stuff regarding why the crash happened..

Now..normal procedures during engine failure are as follows..
The Pilot Not Flying (PNF) informs the Pilot Flying (PF) about an engine failure..the PF checks the engine instrumentation and carries out a comparison between the failed and the functioning engine to confirm the while this is beiing done the PNF is responsible for protecting the throttle of the functional engine and the PF brings back the throttle of the failed engine to zero..which is idle , the protection by PNF is to prevent the PF from mistakenly bringing the functioning engine throttle back to min..Next in line is the protection of the Engine fuel valve by the PNF of the functioning engine while PF switches off the fuel feed to the failed engine..after this the First officer is to carry out all necessary checks in the cockpit while the captain assumes the role of PF..

In our case...while the engine failed...the PNF failed to protect the functioning engine and the PF brought the throttle of the functioning engine back to idle , which is zero power(dont know what the right aviation term for minimum throttle is..sorry for that)..this mistake resulted in a loss of electrical power in the aircraft which is why the wheels failed to retract...and well...the rest is history..

this is what actually happened that day and also why Capt Khalid Hamza easily accepted it as pilot error as stated in the first post in the previous fokker crash thread..
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Abbas Ali
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Post by Abbas Ali »

Thank you Charliedelta11 for informative post.

I think we should continue discussion in following topic:

Topic: Combination of errors cited for Fokker crash
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