Future of aviation careers in Pakistan

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Future of aviation careers in Pakistan

Post by Sag_Ex1983 »

Hello and Asalaam o lekum. I am currently a student pilot from the USA. I am currently on my PPL and soon will be starting on my IR and then on to CPL with ME rating. Within one year I shall be ready for my first job inshallah as a first officer, and its my desire to fly for a airline in Pakistan since thats where I was born and originally from. But honestly the things that I hear regarding the situation regarding pilots in Pakistan is very discouraging. I mean i have been hearing that you must have connections, be ready to pay up heavy amounts of money to get in as a pilot in any airline. One of the most shocking things that happened to me was when I was traveling back to the USA last year from Pakistan, I got a chance to go to the cockpit and have a chat with the PIA captain who was a very nice gentleman and i talked to him about my desires and goal to become a pilot like him. And surprisingly he himself told me if you get a chance to be a pilot dont ever come or hope to get hired by an airline in Pakistan cause there very corrupted and "safarshi", which was so sadening that a PIA pilot said this. I really hope by the time I am ready to apply for my job, the situation in Pakistan changes. And I know you have to through hell to convert my FAA licenses to CAA but if there is hope for future there I am willing to do that as well. Anyhow, anyone on this forum who has got jobs in airlines in pak and have trained from overseas. And since I am a US Citizen, do I have to apply for dual nationality as well. Gud luck to everyone in their careers.

Capt Usman Shahid
Last edited by Sag_Ex1983 on Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by samee380 »


wish you all the best for the future. I myself am wanting to be a pilot and am going to go into a flying school in London "Oxford Aviation Flying school" and hope to fly with British Airways in the future. at the moment i am doing A-levels and am getting started on my PPL but will finish that off at Oxford

at once i really wanted to fly with PIA (be a pilot with PIA) but alot of captains have told me to not Be a pilot with an airline in Pakistan due to what you have already said. and so as im a UK citizen and would like to see my life in UK i will probabaly end up with a british airline

any chance of you going with a britsish airline or some of the arabs like Qatar ... ?

Personally i cant see that much changing in about 5 years in Pakistan for pilots. PIA is in serious debt and always are after every 3-4 years

if i was you i wouldnt get too bogged down in which airline you want to fly with but first get your licences and i am sure everything will fall into place (inshallah)

Good luck!
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Post by ali_khan »

My advice would be to try to get a job on an airline in Pakistan if you want but really, concentrate where there is meat. For example, if I were you, I would really try Europe, Middle East, India and China.
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Post by atmalik »

Sag_Ex although things might look bleak at the moment on the PIA front but you shouldnt loose hope. Who knows what all weill happen by the time u r ready to fly. You might just get in. Id suggest get some hours under ur belt in the US and then apply with PIA you might get hired more easily since you will have knowledge of the US airports. So best of luck.

Oh and pn another note, Im not sure if it makes a difference in PIA that you be a Pakistani citizen to fly, but as per US laws you cannot have dual nationality. So do look into that carefully. Good luck mate.
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Post by AN »

but as per US laws you cannot have dual nationality. So do look into that carefully. Good luck mate.

you can now
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Post by atmalik »

AN wrote:but as per US laws you cannot have dual nationality. So do look into that carefully. Good luck mate.

you can now
I wasnt aware of that, but I guess that a good thingthen.
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Post by Jacobin777 »

atmalik wrote:
AN wrote:but as per US laws you cannot have dual nationality. So do look into that carefully. Good luck mate.

you can now
I wasnt aware of that, but I guess that a good thingthen.
To set the record straight..direct from the U.S. Government..

"A U.S. citizen may acquire foreign citizenship by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. citizen may not lose the citizenship of the country of birth.U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one citizenship or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another citizenship does not risk losing U.S. citizenship. However, a person who acquires a foreign citizenship by applying for it may lose U.S. citizenship. In order to lose U.S. citizenship, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign citizenship voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. citizenship."

http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_t ... _1753.html
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Post by atmalik »

hmmm Interesting Jacobin777. Thanks for the clarification.
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Check Your Facts!

Post by Fanjet786 »

AN wrote:but as per US laws you cannot have dual nationality. So do look into that carefully. Good luck mate.

you can now
You might want to check your facts!! You are absolutely "INCORRECT"
USA allows Dual Citizenship.
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Post by AN »

fanjet786 check you reading skills.
thats exactly what I Said. They allow dual citizenship.
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Post by Abbas Ali »

Absence of quote tag in following post caused the un-necessary confusion
AN wrote:but as per US laws you cannot have dual nationality. So do look into that carefully. Good luck mate.

you can now
Following line is in-fact quote from atmalik post (click here)
atmalik wrote:but as per US laws you cannot have dual nationality. So do look into that carefully. Good luck mate.
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Post by zEro.a1r »

And surprisingly he himself told me if you get a chance to be a pilot dont ever come or hope to get hired by an airline in Pakistan cause there very corrupted and "safarshi", which was so sadening that a PIA pilot said this.
Atleast he was telling you the truth. Not an ambitious chap that wants someone under their wings and show you off as his prodigy. I wish you luck, and success, where-ever you go.