Why has "Pakistan" been wiped off the new livery?

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Why has "Pakistan" been wiped off the new livery?

Post by fatah »

I'm sorry if this topic has been discussed here before. I did a search but I didn't come up with anything.

I was wondering why the word "Pakistan" has been wiped off the new livery. I do know they have it next to the miniature Pakistan flag at the rear of the plane, but why did they wipe it off the body where it was boldly visible. Being the flag carrier of Pakistan, and claiming to being an ambassador of Pakistan where ever it goes, this is very strange. Does the management of PIA believe that its shameful to be associated with Pakistan?
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Post by PK777 »

Why do you consider it such a huge issue? The same questiuon can be said for Gulf Air, Etihad, Qantas, Emirates?! People are not dumb these days to know which airline a country belongs to, the airline has been around for over 50+ years now, surely haveing the name on the fuselage for over 50 years should be long enough. Also, you have the internet to find out?
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Post by fatah »

PK 777 said
Why do you consider it such a huge issue? The same questiuon can be said for Gulf Air, Etihad, Qantas, Emirates?! People are not dumb these days to know which airline a country belongs to, the airline has been around for over 50+ years now, surely haveing the name on the fuselage for over 50 years should be long enough. Also, you have the internet to find out?
Your only example which makes any sense is that of Qantas. Emirates is the name of the country ie. United Arab Emirates. Just like Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Obviously with Emirates already taken, Etihad couldn't use the name of the country so they used the Arabic word for United. In the case of Gulf, it was named after the region because it was founded by most of the countries in the Gulf such as Oman, U.A.E., Qatar, and Bahrain.

On the other hand what do you have to say about British Airways, Air France, Japan Airlines, American Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Korean Air, Air China, China Airlines, Air India, South African Airlines, Air Canada, Saudi Arabian, Egypt Air, Royal Jordanian, AlItalia etc. etc.
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Post by ali_khan »

I don't think that having the word Pakistan or not makes a difference. It is just an airline. There are other examples of national carriers such as LOT, Aeroflot, Cathay Pacific, MIAT, Varig, or even Etihad as most people don't know the meaning of Etihad.

What really counts is how PIA promotes Pakistan and how PIA's service and products are.
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Post by Moin »

Also the word 'PIA' is more recognised in the aviation world, even otherwise. If you look at Pan Am, it was a household name. Everyone used the term Pan Am, not Pan American, even though thats what it meant.

Also PIA it seems wanted to jump onto the 'billboard' bandwagon to the likes to EK, QR, EY, JAL etc.
Moin Abbasi