Cadet Pilot Inductions Since 2003

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Cadet Pilot Inductions Since 2003

Post by panpan »

Dear All,
Can any one please tell me how many Cadet Pilot inductions have been carried out since 2003 in PIA? It would be great if there is a photo like there was one in 2003 of the newly inducted pilots.

Best wishes to all.

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Post by AN »

Starting 2005 there have been THREE Cadet Pilot inductions.

1. Jan 05
initialy 15 CP's inducted, but after several months, another (aprox) 24 who were initialy rejected were called.

2. Summer 05
Aprox 25, but im not sure of the exact number.

3. The latest add, which I believe was earlier this year, but cant remember the exact date, but was the largest in recent times.
Currently something liek 70+ people are undergoing the medical for this batch

Sadly None of the people from any of these batches is flying at the moment.
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Post by panpan »

Thanks AN. What about the 2003 batch. Are they oprational. Also given the Financial situation of PIA, F27 not operational, reduced number of aircrafts and all the factors what is likely to happen with the CP's inducted?
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Post by AN »

From what I know there was no 2003 Batch.
The last add before 2005 was in 2001. This batch (of initialy around 30) was delayed due reduced flights post 9/11, but has been completely operational since last year.
They are currently flying mostly on the 737, with a few on the ATR.