PIA's performance irritates President

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mohammad abdulaziz
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PIA's performance irritates President

Post by mohammad abdulaziz »

ISLAMABAD: Taking strong note of delays in Pakistan International Airlines domestic and international flights, President General Pervez Musharraf has directed the national flag carrier to improve its service forthwith.

According to the official sources, the president expressed his dissatisfaction over the services of PIA during a briefing given by PIA Chairman, Tariq Kirmani here at the President’s Camp Office on Tuesday. Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz was also present on the occasion. The President said PIA’s performance is not up to the mark and the routine delays in flights of the national flag carrier is not a good omen.

The President said government is financially assisting PIA so it must show better results and improve its image as national airline.

President Musharraf also directed PIA Chairman to take good care of Hajj flights schedule and delay in Hajj flights should be avoided at every cost to provide relief to pilgrims.

He said that the service on domestic and international routes should be upgraded and the complaints lodged by European Union about standard of PIA flights should also be addressed.

Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said that bringing PIA out of deficit is the top most priority of the government therefore, new aircrafts have been inducted in the PIA fleet whereas several aircrafts have also been hired on lease
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PIA fails to woo President for financial relief

Post by zerbaer »

NATION. 15-11-2006

PIA fails to woo President for financial relief

RAWALPINDI - The PIA management failed to get any word from President General Pervez Musharraf about providing financial relief to the National Carrier to bail it out from the prevailing financial crisis, TheNation learnt on Tuesday.
During presentation to Musharraf by PIA, no decision has been taken about bailing out PIA from the situation it is faced with rather the President directed the management to approach the Prime Minister to discuss financial and restructuring issues, sources said.
The Defence Ministry officials, PIA and CAA management briefed Musharraf about the over all performance of the airline, financial health and servicing of its aircraft after EU’s objection.
They informed Musharraf that most of the airlines in the world were facing losses due to increase in fuel prices so was the situation with PIA. There are many few airlines that are earning profits.
The chances of PIA getting financial assistance from the national kitty are very bleak as the Prime Minister had already turned down PIA’s request for equity injection early this year, sources said.
PIA had requested at the beginning of this year to the Prime Minister to take over PIA’s interest in PIA Investment Limited (PIA-IL) and advance $ 100 million to it or inject equity of Rs 6 billion.
At that time the Prime Minister did not entertain PIA’s request for equity injection and fuel hedging. However, he directed Finance Ministry to resolve the liquidity crunch and assist PIA in restructuring its balance sheet.
Finance Ministry asked PIA to obtain a short-term loan from banks. PIA negotiated a short-term loan of Rs 3 billion with Standard Chartered Bank as Government of Pakistan provided sovereign guarantee.
PIA was also seeking another loan of the same amount in foreign exchange that amounts to $ 50 million. The Government had also provided sovereign guarantee for this loan.
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Post by Moin »

Fine, if you are so unwilling to keep this white elephant afloat, that you are so protectively cradling, PRIVATISE IT!!

Mr. President is irritated, the PM is not satisfied etc etc. The Govt will not accord financial assistance to the airline............ then give it up and let someone more competent take it over! On the one hand, they are holding onto it for dear life and on the other, they do not want to financially aid it yet expect miracles to happen overnight merely by expressing displeasure. You think monumental changes will occur just by expressing your dissatisfaction period? You want change? Then it requires something a bit more tangible than a furrow of the brow.

Its a known fact that PIA is strapped for cash and most of its problems narrow down to financial constraints and if you choose to hold back on financial assistance, then expect the worst to come.
Moin Abbasi
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Post by mohammad abdulaziz »

I fully subscribe the views expressed by Moin Bhai. If Government is serious about steering PIA of current depressing and unfortunate situation then it should address the real problem effectively and efficiently, otherwise they can always opt for privatizing it. Inordinate delay in taking the needed remedial measures will not rectify the problem rather aggravate the situation further. So solution is - do it or let others do it.
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PIA will never be privatized.
Last edited by FULLTHRUST on Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by INSIDER »

The best thing is to shut down the airline or sell it.......... With Govt involvement and political appointments at all level in PIA will be stop.

Then this airline can progress
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Post by bagold »

A fully privatised airline running on commercial principles will no longer be able to provide a VIP culture to influential sections of the population. Therein lies the crux for the government.

Coyboy Bhaijan, any thoughts?
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Re: PIA's performance irritates President

Post by Cobra »

mohammad abdulaziz wrote:ISLAMABAD: Taking strong note of delays in Pakistan International Airlines domestic and international flights, President General Pervez Musharraf has directed the national flag carrier to improve its service forthwith.
The President said PIA’s performance is not up to the mark and the routine delays in flights of the national flag carrier is not a good omen.

The President said government is financially assisting PIA so it must show better results and improve its image as national airline.

He said that the service on domestic and international routes should be upgraded and the complaints lodged by European Union about standard of PIA flights should also be addressed.
The Presidential advice fell on deaf ears. Who gives a damn!
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Post by SalamPaks »

Irritated? At what point does the President cross the line between "irritated" and outright "Uday Hussein style" Pissed?

There is a lot to account for here , especially from a safety aspect. IThe only silver lining in all of this is that the EU Govt. has shown more concern for the safety of Pakistanis than the Govt. of Pakistan.
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Post by F27 »

The shut down of Chicago and Toronto is a strong indicator that the GOP has withdrawn its conditional support to TK. The GOP has taken a serious notice about TK and his team for not pleading PIA's case in an effective manner. And to add insult to injury they have requested the GOP to provide surety to enable PIA to buy 12 B777s.Therefore, Iftikhar Gul, Tariq Kirmani and Farooq RU are 'In the Line of Fire'.
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Post by inducedrag »

Don't be surprise to see the whole team getting pride of performance or one of the highest civil award on 23rd of march :twisted: :evil:
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Post by F27 »

inducedrag wrote:Don't be surprise to see the whole team getting pride of performance or one of the highest civil award on 23rd of march :twisted: :evil:
I agree. The 'pride' is awarded the highest ci(e)vil award of 'performance.'
''The only thing nesessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.''