Who thinks that PIA have to be privatized, even partly?

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Who thinks that PIA have to be privatized, even partly?

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Who thinks that PIA have to be privatized, even partly?

Post by flyingsystem »

Explain why or why not.
I personnaly think that it have to be privatized. The government is too slow to take important decisions. And the fact is that aviation is a fast evolving (grammar?) industry.
The goal of this kind of company is to make profit but the profit will be away until there are not people who want to make profit.
This is why it have to be privatized.
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Post by BOEING777 »

Until PK solves the internal crises, poor management, political interference and sorts out it finances, I cant see who would want to invest in an ailing state airline.

PK created Emirates- look at the difference between the 2 airlines 20 years later.

PK has less than 40 decent airplanes, while EK has orders for over 100 with a fleet of 100 in-service modern airplanes.

Its a shame that anyone would seriously willing risk money in PK when it has not managed to "get its house in order".

Even Air India are better at securing additional airplanes to cater for expansion:

http://www.fleetbuzz.com/forums//index. ... topic=8494

All we can hope for is that PIA employs people who work to the benefit of the airline and who want to make it a success and global player- maybe then the time will be right to privatise.
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Post by SaadSaeed »

Agreed BOEING777. If Air Blue is any example to go by then there is hope.
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Post by PK777 »

Saadu wrote:Agreed BOEING777. If Air Blue is any example to go by then there is hope.
Airblue and PIA should not be compared, its a completely different ball game altogether... :wink:
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watch as this post weeds out the old farts

Post by SaadSaeed »

Examples of AeroAsia, Bhoja Air, some other pehelwaan chaudhry airlines dont help the cause and cannot be compared but airblue does show an example that private airlines CAN survive in PK and CAN provide a reasonably good quality of service to us desi people. Until PIA is cleared of nepotism, mismanagement, old farts, it will continue in this damaging direction.
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Post by Mr Inside »

Just wait for 10 months You all forget other Airlines
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Post by CoyBoy »

Let em guess another airline is being set up Mr Inside :roll:
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Post by Mr Inside »

No, PIA will beat all other Airlines, All of them which are rating as Five star Airlines, Just wait for 10 months
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Post by flyingsystem »

Mr Inside wrote:No, PIA will beat all other Airlines, All of them which are rating as Five star Airlines, Just wait for 10 months
Explain a little, why 10 months?
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Post by AP-BGL »

Mr Inside wrote:No, PIA will beat all other Airlines, All of them which are rating as Five star Airlines, Just wait for 10 months
Thats might for the reason that PIA is going to get or might have gotten Aladdin’s Magical Lamp and it has promised to make PIA an airline that would simply beat other 5-star airlines... :roll:
Last edited by AP-BGL on Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BOEING777 »

Mr Inside wrote:No, PIA will beat all other Airlines, All of them which are rating as Five star Airlines, Just wait for 10 months
Dream on dude-

In 20 years, after creating Emirate, PIA cant even match them, let alone the likes of Qatar Airways or Etihad-

PIA wont get to EK's stage in 50 years if they dont clean up their act.
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Post by Jacobin777 »

A problem PK has which carriers such as EK, QR don't have are....

1)PK doesn't serve alcohol...QR, EK does...these aforementioned carriers attract a lot of non-muslim passengers because of this....and many of these passengers are high-paying F/J class pax...

2) Pakistan Airports (LHE/KHI/ISB) don't serve alcohol either..which makes it tough as a transiting airport

3)PK (KHI/LHE/ISB) doesn't offer anything beneficial for transitting passengers......these airports are basically O&D airports, where as DOH, DXB, AUH have massive amounts of transiting passengers..in fact, the majority of the pax to these airports are TRANSITING passengers.

4)PK management is corrupt and incompetent, where as the management of the other carriers know how to run a company....management needs to get its head out of the sand and hire some non-Pakistani employees who know what they are doing...look at EK's Clark, he knows how to run an airline...or EY's Hogan.....he too knows how to run an airline.

Until these situations are addressed, sadly, PK will never become a tier-1 carrier.....the good news is that PK doesn't even need to serve alcohol (nor should it..) to become a good carrier...

Regards/Wa asalaam

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Post by BOEING777 »

4)PK management is corrupt and incompetent, where as the management of the other carriers know how to run a company
That is the overriding problem.

AFAIK, SV doesnt serve alcohol either, and it is a far better airline that PIA will ever be- unless drastic changes are made!
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or EY's Hogan.....he too knows how to run an airline.

He left Gulf Air, non-profit.....joined Etihad for making it what? He only knows that he is an australian GORA, how to make those B***** Arabs fool.
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Post by nutsforplanes »

Two institutes will never be privatised, either fully or partially in Pakistan. WAPDA & PIA. There is a strategic reason PIA comes under the Ministry of Defense.