hello everyone. i was just bored so did these patterns. they look pretty nice considering that i made it in 10 mins please comment and share your views. i might make one for the peshawar tail and stuff. I mostly made these for VPIA, so lets see if Ahmed likes them and wishes to use them for the website. These are my designs so keep in mind that its copyrighted to me and if you wish to use them, I'll be most happy to let people use them but ask my permission first. Thank You *****VPIA can use them without my permission. since these were specially made for them.*****
Graden Of The Mughals
Garden Of The Mughals (the first one looks better though)
I worked pretty hard on these and would love some comments!!
Last edited by PIA10141 on Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks Saadu... Well, the last one is in BMP and its a big file so u have to give it time to load... no need to worry, i'll replace it with a JPEG version But they look great doon't they....