Special Eid flights...?

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Special Eid flights...?

Post by raihans »

I just went to my nearest travel agent and asked for seat availability on Eid day (Kuwait) between KWI-LHE sector. Unfortunately, no seats available on any airline operating between the same sector.

And as per the travel agent; this time PIA is also not arranging any special flight on the occasion otherwise we witness PIA's 747s roaring in Kuwaiti skies!
Raihan SR Bakhsh

EY-B77W, A345, A320, A319, EK-B773, B77W, A388, FZ-B738, GF-L1011, B732, A332, A320, A319, KU-A343, AB6, A310, A320, NL-A320, PK-B707/720, B733, B772, B77L, AB4, A310, A320, QR-A320, A321, A333, A359, A35X, B77W, B788, WY-B738, B739, A333
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Post by AbdulAziz »

Asslam u alikum

Actually this problem is not only from Kuwait. I am trying to find one seat only for my father from Riyadh or Dammam to LHE but until now he is on waiting list on Saudia, Etihad & Emirates.
Also there is a news that PIA is not operating any extra flights for Eid from SaudiArabia.
