Our very first virtual ATR42-500 AP-BHH is out from Paint Shop and is ready for delivery flight to Pakistan very soon. Further information will be published in few days once we finalize the details.
And selection of the crew; eliegble for flight will be done after statistical analysis.
Last edited by raihans on Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
We have finalized the details for commencing the delivery flight of AP-BHH. Details are as follows:
flyPIAva's first ATR42-500 AP-BHH as PK9001 will fly under the command of Capt. Moaz - VPK031 from Toulouse, France to Karachi, Pakistan with some intermediate stopovers (to be announceed later). For commencement of delivery flight, Capt. Moaz has already reached Toulouse, France for some test flights prior of initiating the delivery flight. Once the delivery flight will begin, we will keep you update with the Historic event!
And lastly, we will be having a lot of screen shots also to share with you all!
Congratulations to the VASIM team on this auspicious occasion of arranging ATR42-500 delivery flight. Here I would like to especially commend the efforts of Raihan bhai for making this event possible & not to forget the honorable pilot Capt. Moaz Bhutta for taking the time out of his routine, which I suspect to be a busy one & agreeing to fly the turboprop home!
Waiting anxiously for route details & specifically screen shots!
Thank you Umair and we are really thankful to Capt. Moaz for giving us his precious time for this historic event!
Further, we are trying to make this event to be trackable online using FS Acars Real Time which give us an updated detail of every flight; flying using FS Acars 4.0.15 It is installed at VASIM server on following URL(s):
Abdullah Saleem wrote:No VASIM Pilots Actively Flying!
True, but I myself tracked half of the flight. There is some sort of communication error between FS Acars Real Time and FS Acars application (installed at Capt. Moaz PC) that is not sending the signals to FS Acars Real Time at VASIM server.
Anyhow, I have confirmed that Capt. Moaz is flying and about to reach Brinidisi, Italy very soon. Soon we will get the details of first leg!
Well, I just got to know earlier that Capt. Moaz is 170 NM away from Brinidisi. Time can be vary due to Air Speed and Weather effects but hopefully within an hour Insha'Allah we will be having results of Leg 1 flight.
Good to see near completion of the first leg. Congratulations to VASIM team! Just can’t wait for screen shots also I suggest that please add some water cannon salute effects to the screenshots when the ATR arrives OPKC! Best of Luck Raihan bhai & Capt. Moaz!
Alhamdulillah, even after experiencing some errors with FS Acars; Capt. Moaz VPK031 has completed the 1st leg of delivery flight PK9001 from Toulouse, France to Brindisi, Italy. The flight has been flown with Normal Simulation rate, bit delayed as ETA was 1000 LT but landed at 1020
Further, screen shots have also been taken by Capt. Moaz while flying which will be publish later once I will receive them!
Congratulations to Capt. Moaz for his efforts to fly the flight with Normal Simulation rate which is very rare in virtual pilots who prefer to fly such longer duration flights with faster simulation rate.
And thank you all for your interest and support for VASIM. See you next with Leg 2 to be start soon!
I am sorry as I am bit late than Capt. Moaz. The latest update is:
VPK031 Captain Moaz flying Leg2 of PK9001 cruising at 17962ft with GS 319 from LIBR(Brindisi) to HELX(Luxor) and have already covered 164NM and remaing 998NM which will be covered in approx. 03:07:00
Great to see that the 2nd leg has begun…oopsy! These two airports are quite a distance apart…I hope that Capt. Moaz will complete it successfully as well…wishing best of luck!
Last edited by umair_ayaz on Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
P.S. the same error has appeared as yesterdays's Capt. Moaz is not connected with FS Acasrs Real Time. And I have to confirm by emailing him for the details.