New release by Pheonix models in 1/400 scale featuring the "Thar - Colours of the desert" livery on Gemini Jets mould in 1/400 scale. Regestration: AP-BAK
This is a surprise. But I still don't quite like the engine pylons inspite of the retooling. I've ordered a Phoenix 1/400 MAS 743M which I've not received yet so I can't comment on their quality but if they're using the GJ mould, it should be ok.
I've also ordered the Sovereign 1/400 OY 742 which is also the GJ mould albeit the old one. I have their Iraqi 742 which is pretty good save for the crude way the engines are mounted to the wing.
I hoped this was done on the BigBird mould used by AeroClassics. Oh well maybe we can get the 1990s colours with GE/PW engines like the 80s colour releases.
^ I think it will, as this is a correct and accurate model in 1/400 scale. I will be very suprised if does not!
The thing about the Skymarks model is that it has two interchangable tails therefore placing "Colours of the desert" on the rear fuselage will make the model wrong if you place the moghal tail on the model. Therefore, Skymarks did the right thing to leave it out.
Compared to this new release, it is about one particular aircraft and reg: AP-BAK, so it should have all the markings and logos that are present on AP-BAK at the moment. I wished it was on the BigBird mould, just hope Phoenix uses the new GJ mould and not the old one. ( which has the tail seem and incorrect wings)
Seeing now that Phoenix has discovered PIA, and also seeing that they have done about 5 different Air India Express 737-800, and 3 different QR 2006 Asian Games A333 models, each with a different fuselage/tail design, its possible that they may also do the Lahore Mughal theme on the 743. You never know. They do make 743 models and we could very well see one before this year is out.
Why doesn't someone contact Phoenix and float the idea?
i hav contacted them about that and also about a 737-300 in new natures orchard livery. as they hav the mould for 737-300. just waiting for reply.also a 777 200LR would be another and A310 in gateway to east livery but i dont think phoenix do the mould of A310 but GJ has that mould.