Gulistan wrote:I registerd found the file but it keeps saying node logged in and wont allow me to download
Ever since I have registered on, I have never encountered any such error, which reads like what you’ve mentioned, to me your description of the problem is vague, but still I will try to help you out.
There might be any of these problems, disallowing you to download files:
1. Its fine that you’ve registered but, I think you haven’t logged in, you can’t access the links with asterisk (*) after them from Flightsim “Main Menuâ€ÂÂ. This includes the “Search File†page as well.
2. Other Possibility can be that you didn’t sign out after your previous visit to (only in case of no system reboot in between successive login attempts)
3. All nodes are busy.
Also do make sure that the username or login you are typing is correct and “Caps lock†isn’t on.
Moreover, some of the sites have the account activation policy for new members. It means that even though you have successfully registered to the site, yet they’ll send you an account activation link to your mentioned email address, from which you can finally login successfully.
Solution to 1: Login > Here is the link to login page:
Solution to 2: If the error message reads like this “User 'anonymous' is in use on another node. Click here to force logout the user on the other node†then click on the hyperlink encoded in the word “hereâ€ÂÂ
Solution to 3: Keep clicking the refresh button on your Internet explorer, till a node is vacant, logging you in.
If still the error persists or my description of the solution doesn’t actually match your query, here are a couple of troubleshooting links: ... wcomer.htm
I am quite hopeful that you’ll find a way out of this ditch!