Available to all Club Class pax providing its been reserved at the time of booking of the flt.
Limited to within 30miles of the airport +5miles drop-off margin.
Pax are to be provided with a Mercedes/Volvo as a standard car for upto 1/2 pax and a people carrier for groups.
Inbound CCL figr must be passed to Avis 36hrs before the flt is due in.
On the day of the flt, actual names must be checked by going through individual bookings nd provided that there
is an address mentioned, a car is then to be reserved.
The total no of pax is then passed to Avis.
Inbound pax must report at the meeting point in arrivals.
There will be a waiting time of 3hrs from ATA of flt.
The drivers will have a sign stating PIA and the pax name.