CBR to set up anti-piracy cells at world airports

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CBR to set up anti-piracy cells at world airports

Post by PK777 »

CBR to set up anti-piracy cells at world airports, collectorates


ISLAMABAD (January 02 2006): The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has decided to establish "Anti-Piracy Cells" at all international airports and collectorates of customs. The decision has been taken to control the manufacture, smuggling and export of pirated CDs, DVDs and CD-ROMS from Pakistan.

The CBR has issued instructions to all collectors of customs to forthwith establish "Anti-Piracy Cells" at the airports and regional collectorates. These cells would be set up on the pattern of 'drug enforcement cells' to apprehend people involved in this business.

Sources told Business Recorder here on Sunday that the anti-piracy campaign was a gigantic task, which may be handled only through combined efforts of all concerned organisations in public and private sectors.

According to CBR, there is a need of a better co-ordination between customs, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and IPO to achieve maximum results.


An Inter-Agency Co-ordination Committee comprising representatives from IPO, CBR, Pemra, Customs Intelligence and FIA would be formed to plan a well-co-ordinated drive against piracy and violation of intellectual property rights. It was also decided that IPO should provide necessary leadership to this co-ordination committee.

The CBR and IPO should explore the possibility for launching a media campaign. The expertise of the concerned departments/agencies and lawyers shall be utilised based on requirement and capacity building/training of officers of the agencies/departments involved in the drive against IP piracy shall be arranged by IPO in assistance with WIPO and other international stakeholders.

Meanwhile, the CBR has received persistent reports that there is significant increase in the optical media piracy by the manufacturers of CDs, DVDs, CD-Rs and CD-ROMs in the country.

Preliminary estimates indicated that the bulk of pirated optical media ultimately head for other countries. This not only damages the foreign market, but also undermines the government's efforts to attract foreign investment.

Sources apprehended that if the government is unable to demonstrate visible progress for the enforcement of intellectual property rights, Pakistan's image would be damaged at the global level.

Keeping in view the dire need of enforcement measures, sources said that the CBR is actively pursuing its custom officials in the field to check the flow of these counterfeit goods at the exit and entry points.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2006
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Post by SaadSaeed »

I object to this. Here is why.
I am not sure what criteria they would be using to judge if a particular media is pirated or not. Ive come across very bad originals and very professional looking pirated CDs. I am not sure if they will confiscate any CD or DVD they see like the Saudis or would they preview them at the airport to check their content. Unless these customs agents are trained properly, which i doubt they are, their actions would be very subjective and open to debate causing unpleasant incidences and hassle. I consider this just another stupid rule to cause nuisance to normal people.

I still cant get over the stupidity of some of the rules they have set up for airports in Pakistan. No batteries outside of an electronic equipment. Yeh like some terrorist may be able to bring down a plane only if he had AA batteries on hand... :roll: Why? What can people do with loose batteries? Flush em down the toilet? Do you think people would actually take batteries on board just to dump 'em down the toilet? ahh this just boils my blood.