New Fleet for Kuwait Airways

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New Fleet for Kuwait Airways

Post by raihans »

Kuwait Airways signs initial agreement with Airbus

Muscat - Sami Abdullatif al Nesif, Kuwait Airways chairman and managing director, said that the company has signed an initial agreement with Airbus to purchase 25 latest aircraft.
The delivery will start in 2019. The agreement will include purchasing ten wide body aircraft A350- 900 with an option to select purchasing five additional aircraft of the same type or A350- 1000 as well as 15 small size aircraft A320Neo with option to select purchasing five additional aircraft of the same type or A321Neo. Nesif explained that the agreement includes leasing 22 new A330 aircraft and A320 during the transitional period of eight years until receiving the purchased aircraft.

He noted that Kuwait Airways will receive two A321 aircraft by mid to end of next July and five A330 aircraft prior to the end of this year, provided that they would receive five aircraft of each type during 2014 and beginning of 2015 which would be brand new. The leased aircraft, which will be received during next summer will be maximum of 4 years old, which is due to the short time-span, registration procedures required. ... 714044105/ ... n/5817628/
Raihan SR Bakhsh
EY-B77W, A345, A320, A319, EK-B773, B77W, A388, FZ-B738, GF-L1011, B732, A332, A320, A319, KU-A343, AB6, A310, A320, NL-A320, PK-B707/720, B733, B772, B77L, AB4, A310, A320, QR-A320, A321, A333, A359, A35X, B77W, B788, WY-B738, B739, A333