Wow that looks great for photoscenery. I have the same Karachi photoscenery but day only. Very good work Keep it up. Is it the whole of Karachi or just one specific area?
i tried to make it last summer, its too much work and i couldnt keep up with it. the lights have to be individually placed then, thousands of objects have to be added and so on, so i was looking for someone willing to carry on a karachi photoscenery project, especially since theirs no good karachi scenery for fsx except fo the msk productions. If their was someone willing, i could explain the whole procedure.
Its is laborious work, I tried to add 3D night lights to FSX photoscenery but didn't get far. It looks like your night lights are textures only - you need some kind of 3D object placer. Fencebuilder Pro lets you add objects in rows so to save time, this may be good for long streets/ roads. Maybe you could explain to me how to do it. PM me if necessary.
Feathers shall raise men even as they do birds towards heaven : That is by letters written with their quills.
See you @
I think he needs assistance in completing this project, again PM me sir I will love to see this night scenery in FSX, I will see how much time I can devote.
thanks everyone, i know its hard work, especially creating 3d objects with textures which is why im leaving it for the professionals out there. But i was hoping at least fsx users could get the 'night' feel in karachi. anyways, if anyone wants, i could post the instructions of how to apply the night lighting on photoshop,and then how to render .bgl file with sbuilderx.