* Aircraft (by POSKY) downloaded from http://flightsimpakistan.com/FSP/downlo ... ng9103.htm
** Add-on scenery for Sialkot airport by forum member raihans can be found at http://www.raihans.com/default3.asp

Ready to taxi


Taxiing to hold-position

The amazing OPST scenery

You talkin' to me?!

Speeding past the terminal building


To infinity....

.... and beyond!

Braving into the storm.

Storm? What storm??

Sky-folk take some time to admire this beauty

Leveling out at 6,000ft

The '90s livery looks gorgeous no matter what angle you choose to look at it from

Adjusting the heading

PW power!

View from a nearby Control Tower

Gotta love those curves!

Approaching finals. Flaps extended to full.

Descending. Runway in sight.

Charging like a bull towards the red runway lights

Moments before touchdown

Final adjustments

Kissing the tarmac

Reversers applied

To soothe the savage breast

Turning around for the taxiway

Snailing to the parking-spot



Nothing too fancy about that tail

.....but that's exactly what makes it look so good

Waiting for her next adventure
That's all folks! I hope you liked them. Please do leave a comment. Thanks!
P.S. Appologies for the left-bias that appears on some photos. I'm not sure what imageshack did to them.