Nasir wrote:ConnieMan wrote:Why r u under estimating your model building skills?.....

As Sheikh Sa'adi famously said: "
mun aanum ke mun daanum" (I am well aware of myself...)

. Compared to Brad Shinn's work, my models (in
my opinion) will always come up short.
As always you are being humble here Nasir once again.
Lets see area's of fault on Brad Shinn's model, overall great and beautiful model BUT there are few areas that could be fixed to make it proper replication of real aircraft!.
-Nose's Pitot tube is of very short length.
-Area where pitot tube is joined tot he nose as roundness to it at the bottom..
-Nose's ARC is off for its curve angle and sliding rails section is weirdly molded, could have been fixed to make it proper.
-Vortex generator's span out too much then should be for this scale of model.
-Wing curves round at leading edge of the root area where it meets the left fuselage.
This part of wing should be straight!.
-I don't see "Kinks" on either of the wings, it should be visible on this scale of model.
-Fairing on aft top of the fuselage is very thick for the scale once again.
-Joint of Dorsal fin the main tail is awfully wrong. This join is very smooth blended curve.
- No separation line between wing and flight control surfaces, there should have been recessed line showing the separation gap.
Just a few errors i can see in the pictures provided, i'm sure there would be more that i can find if more pictures are provided of this very model.