First of all my thanks go out to Ahmed, Perry all the guys at VPIA. Irfan for this stunning repaint , and Mr Khan for his great sceneries.

AP-BAK at Gate 7 getting loaded up for the short hop to Karachi, rains poor down as is the current weather situation around Pakistan.

Pushing back

Taxi to RWY 30

The U turn to line up

Ready to go.

The GE CF6's kicking up spray as thrust is applied.


Positive climb

Gear retracted

Flying the BALKA2D departure

Leaving the rainy weather behind

Time to enjoy the views

AP-BAK cruising at FL360 - Sorry for the ATC dialogue need a new monitor

Close ups of AP-BAK

More wing views

The moon visible above the top deck

Views of real Pakistan below


Views of the sun and moon

2 moons lol

This ones for Irfan great tail art

WX not looking good

Beginning descent over the Sindh region

More wing views...


Choppy clouds decided to go around the stormy WX

View from the office

Still Wx dodging

2 for the price of 1, thunder rumbles on the left and right of AP-BAK

On Approach - Tileproxy stopped working

Runway in sight

Gear down

4.7NM out and runway not in sight ???? if you have good eyes you may be able to spot the runway

Again aplologies for no landing shots I lost my replay data after changing a setting on FSRecorder

Safely down and holding for traffic

Taxiing to gate

A PAF F16, and navy P3 Orion and ATL

A quick flash in the backround

Another flash - PAX are happy to be at the gate.
Hope you enjoyed all comments welcome.