Smooth Landing, How?

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Smooth Landing, How?

Post by Hamad »

Does any one know the requirements to get a good smooth Landing?
Especially in FS :D

Best Regards / Wa´alaikumusalam
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Re: Smooth Landing, How?

Post by bilookhan »

Hamad wrote:Does any one know the requirements to get a good smooth Landing?
Especially in FS :D


Depends on the aircraft.
For V/S at touchdown my general rule of thumb is anything above -500.
To be real I think -400 is considered very good. People who go way smoother such as -80 tend to waste a lot of runway which towers don't like at big airports.

For speed:
Varies again with aircrafts.
For A340, 330 and B767, Vr is around 133knots.
For 777 and 747 its around 140 knots but preferably 133.

For small aircrafts like A320, and 737, Vr should be around 120 knots.
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Re: Smooth Landing, How?

Post by vpiahr »

Just to add a little bit more to the Thread. Before you arrive anywhere near your destination try and adopt a good system and order of making all those preparations. FS ATIS is not the best which can leave you running short of time and distance before you find that you need to make the all important changes for an approach. Personaly I try to slow the Big Birds down to about 200knts at least 20 miles from finals. By about 10 miles I have a speed established at 180knts. By 5 miles I bring the speed right down to 160knts and then down to 142knts depending on the Aircraft. If you can, try your approaches manualy but use the Localizer and Glidescope as an aid.

Hope this helps.
Perry Green
Allama Iqbal Int