Here are some shots of PIA's special Hajj flight, PK8436 which operated between Madinah's Prince Mohammad Bin AbdulAziz International Airport (OEMA) to Jinnah International, Karachi.
Flight PK8436 was operated by PIA's series -367 Boeing 747, AP-BFY. AP-BFY proudly displays the Baluchistan tail and carries the title 'Ziarat - The City of Flowers'.

view from the airport road, numerous palm trees are planted along the airport boundary. Here you can see AP-BFY, to the left, a leased Saudia 767, a 747 and an unknown aircraft's red tail can be seen.

Several Saudia buses parked along with crew cars.

Two Saudi 747 classics in the background.

3 Saudia 747s, a China Airlines 330 and an Egypt Air 777 can be seen.

Leased SV 767, A Turkish Airlines airbus, and 3 Saudia 747s.

with ATC....

walk around by the F/E.

'The City of Flowers'


Pakistan 8436 is now bound for Karachi.

taxiing out.

Note the tower beacon at the right

Taxiing RWY 35.

Varied Hajj traffic.

'EI-ASJ', last known operator was Kabo Air. What this early Model 148 Boeing 747 was doing here is anybodys guess. This aircraft had a long and distinguished career, originally delivered to Aer Lingus, she operated for British Airways, British Caledonain, Africa Eastern Airways and was sold to Kabo Air. As of 2009, she is based at Roswell, New Mexico, USA, where she is used for training purposes by the US military.

China Airlines

Egypt Air 777....

Left turn Alpha, hold short RWY 35.

During landing or taking off of wide body aircraft on runway 18/36, taxing on parallel taxiway is not allowed.
Preferential runway 35/17 for take off and landing.

Across 36/18 taxiing on towards 35.


Pakistan 8436, RWY 35, cleared for take off.

Turning onto the active....


Positive climb, gear up.....

Airport visible in the back............

Bravo Foxtrot Yankee climbing away to 'MUSAR'

Passing overhead a nearby highway........

its the angle of the I wasnt climbing like this.

Right turn, HDG 085 per DEPARTURE ONE.


Note the ailerons on the right wing in action

continuing the turn toward the east

part 2....arrival at Karachi........

AP-BFY visible in a distance

passing overhead KDA scheme 1.

On final.........

Note the reversers in action as the best slows down.........

Jinnah Airport terminal in the background

will take Foxtrot off the active

vacating the active

Airblue 320, Malaysia 744 and an untitled 747 at the International Satellite.

SV 777, PK 772, 2 Shaheen 732s, PIA 310 and AP-BAK in the background as "The City of Flowers" heads toward the Hajj terminal.

PIA ATR, and a PIA SpeedEx 747, AP-AYV visible as AP-BFY taxies on.

Negotiating the ramp at the Hajj terminal.

AP-BFY is now parked at the Hajj terminal,