Due to time shortage this is a quick video so no comments on my low approach landing as i was in a rush!
Also due to time shortage the cockpit Pilot Seat has been further modified with livery update! also landing gear cap colour has been changed to fit it with other flight instrument colours which you will not see in this video so i enclose pictures of these updates which you will get with your download hopefully tomorrow with the updates at flightsim.com!
When you get to video quckly click the HD button the pause then let the video stream until the bar goes right to the end it will take some time but worth it if u wana watch in HD! once bar reached end click on play! enjoy!
Yes Virtual Head Tracker is used in this video and all my future vids will have this feature enabled.

And look for the link on my other post hopefully tomorrow i will post message their when Livery ready for download!
Love Flying!
Love Aviation!
Love Pakistan![/img]