Share info & photos related to world aviation collectible items like stickers, airline safety cards, postcards, in-flight music, art work, modified photos and other miscellaneous aviation related hobbies.
I can keep few of these as my desktops... what rare and fantastic set of post-card pictures...... shows the journey of has come a long way and improved a lot from the did you got all these cashy?
See you at Virtual Pakistan International Airlines - The Wings of Pakistan!
captain_salman wrote:I can keep few of these as my desktops... what rare and fantastic set of post-card pictures...... shows the journey of has come a long way and improved a lot from the did you got all these cashy?
hi... they r not my collection, one of my friend is collector of rare airline post cards & stickers, so he posted some of his collection on a website, which contains many cards from various airlines so i picked these scanned pics of him.
so can check the website on link::