Salaam everyone here in this video i flew from Lahore to Islamabad coming up to approach OPRN in video all the way i used this device TRACKER IR 4 PRO which is excellent device for your VR Cockpits it gives you a great feeling sense that you are realy in a real cockpit!
My 1st day using it i started to get Dizzy and Motion sickness basically Airsickness, you may laught but truth is i vomited on the keyboard and my arm hit the yoke bank left just near touchdown and ended up doing dangerous landing!
Now im not used to flying real aviation aircraft as im only a Virtual Flyer but this Tracker ir 4 pro puts you in the sense you are in a real cockpit aircraft feeling. I gave this product it 10 out of 10!
I just got mine yesterday im in love flying vfr in VR in PIA Cockpits!
Also product available from here those who want fsx to best level.
http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/ then click on flight!
works with fs2004 too!