Flight Simulator Add Ons

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Flight Simulator Add Ons

Post by PIA711HVY »

Assalmo-Alaiqum dear forum members,

A couple of months back there was a link to a blog posted by one of the forums members which had lot of flight simulator addons.I would be grateful if any one of you could post the link.

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Post by captain_salman »

Walaikum Assalam brother!

I am posting some of the links for add-ons that I use in my FS... hope it will help:





these are the best add-on FS websites, just register yourself with these websites and start downloading, there are many Pakistani airlines and airports there aswell. You just have to search for them, type the airline you want in the searh bar and go for it.

Additionaly there is one fantastic website i always use for Arab Aviation add-ons over here you will find all the payware add-ons free for download you just have to click on the link but one important thing! you have to know Arabic for this, or atleast know how to read it i'm sure as we all read Quran so that shouldn't be a problem, there are threads there which have download links to the (free) payware stuff... you have to click on where ever you see (( Idghat hina)) means press here, or (Juz'a 1...Juz'a 1 etc) means part 1, part2 etc.....press there directly to download, simple :wink:

here's the website: http://www.flyingway.com/vb/forumdispla ... 3999c&f=20

note: when you see a captain's hand thumbs-up sign, means that product is hot and most demanding! from PMDG to Wilco, Overland to Aerosim everything is there for free download!
over here the first two links you'll find about FS, so choose for which ever FS add ons you want... first one if FS9 the second one is for FSX. Enjoy! :)
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Post by PIA711HVY »

Thank you Salman i really appreciate that you posted the links but with all due respect i would like you to tell that it was a blog with all the payware add ons rather than above mentioned websites.

Once again thankyou for your help
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Post by captain_salman »

Yes if you're talking about www.flyingway.com ? Its a blog where you have access links to all the good payware FS files to download free! Were you able to find some good stuff there? :roll: