I was doing some modifications on PIA B737-340. I added Wilco B737-300 Panel. As this package doesn't contains any livery for PIA so I thought to use this with FFX/SGA in which PIA livery is available. Other I added shockwave redux lights. Modification is done on AP-BCF.
Main Panel
Taxi Lights
Landing Lights and Strobe Lights
Wing View
Comments are appreciated.
PIA - F27, ATR42, A310, B742, B743, B772, B773 | SA - A300, B743, B744, B772 | EK - A332, A345, B773 | Thai A300, A333, A346, B744, B772 | Malaysian B734, A332, B772 | Air Asia A320 | Fire Fly ATR72.
i bought the one for fs2004 and fsx, my fsx one doesnt even work spent 6 months on it and cockpit doesnt even fire up! i contacted wilco with emails after alot of discusions they realised even they could not help me. to be honest i actually bought it for fsx so im stuck now using it only for fs2004.
If you guys want the best looking 737 original panel for your 737 with full
working glass cockpit that looks so realistic go to:
I don’t usually reply into this section of this forum as I'm not into these things that much... But the screen shots you just posted tempted me to write some lines out here.
You're doing wonderful job brother, really the cockpit shots looks like as if its the original cockpit picture. It would seriously be fun flying like an original plane.