Wilco PIC 737 problem

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Wilco PIC 737 problem

Post by PIAforME »

Hello guys,

I have a problem with my Wilco 737 PIC.

My "pedestal" photo/bitmap looks distorted and blurry. Have a look.
Hej folkens,

http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/WJ ... directlink

Even though the bitmap is unreadable, the buttons are still clickable, if u can guess here placement. But it would be nice, if the bitmaps were as nice as the rest.

I have tried to reinstall the plance - no result.

Could it be an idea to replace the Pedestal.gau file, which is in the folder aircraft/wilco737/panel ? If possible, could I have the file sent from one of you guys who have the file ? I could then try to see if it solves my problem.
