Here is a video of landing in an Emirates 773 low visibility at WIII - Jakarta Intl - I like the PSS 777 and PMDG 747, fly them a lot for other virtual airlines but miss the Pakistani flying scene. Keep up the Excellent work guys !!!!!
Video of Emirates 773 at WIII
Pics of PIA to OPKC enjoy...

At Gate 212 at a rainy and grey Manchester, gates undocking, fuel truck leaving and someone move that baggage truck.

Taxi to runway, Fokker 100 from KLM Cityhopper and Lufthansa 737 in the background.

Ready to go take off clearance rec, on a HON1R departure, BA 757 on the taxiway.

VR....V2.....airborne, in the background EGCC tower.

Gear up..turning on heading to folllow HON1R waypoints still rainy and grey.

Still climbing out the wet weather

Clearing the rainy weather, finally clear skies climbing to FL340.

FS2004 ATC bringing me back round???? u can see the airport runways below the clouds.

At FL340 Cruising and finally the wet weather clears.

BA744 in the background enroute to KJFK

Night time over Poland, step climb to FL360.

Sunrise over Lahore.

Clear skies over OPMJ, but not for long....

Beginning to descend and the clouds roll in.

Still descending into thicker cloud layers.

Flaps 15, into a foggy Karachi(as usual) slowing to 180Kts approach speed.

5nm out, runway in sight, gear down, flaps 30.

3nm out side on view.

Bit low on the PAPI's, increasing thrust....

Just over the threshold idling thrust...

Land 24R - smoky touchdown...

Seconds later....

Reverse thrust, main gear down...

leaving the active, taxiing to gate flaps up, in the background AP-BGY departing, and Aero Asia 732 taxiing to 24R.

Not an everyday site... Anotov 124 from Polet Air Cargo and PAF C130 at OPKC.

Some of the PIA fleet, let and AP-BFX all the way in the background.

Aero Asia 732, Shaheen Air and PIA ATR.

docked at gate.
Hope you enjoyed the shots, many thanks to the wonderful designer of OPKC, really brings this airport to life, cant wait for OPLA. Any comments more than welcome.