Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by x_man »

Letter written directly to NS and copy to Ishaq Dar..the language and rest everything about it .

I may be wrong but this letter has FAKE written all over it.. :-#
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by uzairali »

Moin wrote:Well those 777-300ER delivery slots must be very valuable to Boeing as opposed to the 787, hence the offer and PIA by giving up those 77W delivery slots can negotiate itself a good deal, possibly for more than just 5 787's and a mix of the 787-8 and 787-9.

The engineering dept will need proper training and facilities for composite repairs as well as that is a very expensive process as well.

Boeing is actually looking for b777 units to be sold to extend production to 2020, before the new b777 are out.

The b787 are selling handsomely and is in no rush to discount heavily.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by Abbas Ali »

According to City42 News channel, agreement for acquisition of Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft for PIA is expected.


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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by saadm80 »

If PIA gets Finances, then I'd say go for 747-800 then 787, More capacity, & can be a great addition to PIA Fleet, Easier conversion for Engineers since most have worked on Classic 747-200/300s.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by CoyBoy »

According to a poster ChaosTheory at PIA were offered 748s but didnt go for them because of take off weight limitations at LHE for the aircraft. So the supposed rumor one member on here was spreading was actually true that PIA were offered that aircraft and evaluated it.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by ammad »

Abbas Ali wrote:According to City42 News channel, agreement for acquisition of Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft for PIA is expected.


Now it is great time for PIA team to call Airbus and say, Listen, we will be getting 787-8 what you have for us?
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by hamzaafzal »

I personally think that PIA should go and shouldn't go for 787 because PIA is lacking planes for gulf routes as per demand and also for overseas routes for example PIA doesn't have any route to Australia. If PIA gets 787 then 1 or 2 Boeing 777 should be made to Australia and South Africa per week. Then PIA should expand to LAX and SFO. After 1 year or so PIA should get 737 for Asian and A330 for European routes.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by GEnx »

My personal view is that PIA should go for smaller, efficient wide body aircrafts to replace B777s. And, B787 or A330neo can fill that gap. This will enable PIA to launch new routes as well as increase the frequencies on existing routes. So, for PIA, it will be better to drop B77w in favor of B787s. These aircrafts will enable daily flights to some European and North American cities.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by uzairali »

GEnx wrote:My personal view is that PIA should go for smaller, efficient wide body aircrafts to replace B777s. And, B787 or A330neo can fill that gap. This will enable PIA to launch new routes as well as increase the frequencies on existing routes. So, for PIA, it will be better to drop B77w in favor of B787s. These aircrafts will enable daily flights to some European and North American cities.

So you mean having a full fleet of only a330/b787? Like b788, 789, 787-10?

I think that is a good idea and haven't thought of it before. The 787-10 can replace b772. PIA can have seats from 242-330. Though PIA lose on the b77w, the 787 same engine, same kind etc can reduce costs. The only issue is initial cost, where b787-10 comes close to b77w cost.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by GEnx »

uzairali wrote:
GEnx wrote:My personal view is that PIA should go for smaller, efficient wide body aircrafts to replace B777s. And, B787 or A330neo can fill that gap. This will enable PIA to launch new routes as well as increase the frequencies on existing routes. So, for PIA, it will be better to drop B77w in favor of B787s. These aircrafts will enable daily flights to some European and North American cities.

So you mean having a full fleet of only a330/b787? Like b788, 789, 787-10?

I think that is a good idea and haven't thought of it before. The 787-10 can replace b772. PIA can have seats from 242-330. Though PIA lose on the b77w, the 787 same engine, same kind etc can reduce costs. The only issue is initial cost, where b787-10 comes close to b77w cost.
Exactly. Right now, PIA can order 787-8 in order to fill the gap between b777 and A320. Then, when our first of 3 777s will be turning 20 years old in 2023, we can get 787-9 along with b787-10 (or may be b787-10ER, if available). I think there is not even a single destination in Europe or America, that a 777 fly daily. They should focus on increasing frequencies. B787 is a right sized plane for PIA. And 787 family has three members too. So, more diversity in capabilities, while retaining commonality. And while, B787-10 may not be able to fly to New York and Toronto, it will be the most efficient machine for European flights.
A330neo can be equally good, if offered by Airbus on steep discounts. But, PIA has no choice but to order Boeing. Because it has stuck itself in a deal already with Boeing.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by Amaad Lone »

PIA getting the 787s has been on the cards for a few months now.

A nephew of Azam Saigol who is good friend of mine told me that PIA is soon going to get the 787s and I said how is that possible when they are inducting A330s both aircraft having similar capacity and role, so I thought he is just bullshitting but he kept insisting that 787s are coming.

I guess the government told Boeing to swap the order to 787s and they agreed so the offer letter.

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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by hamzaafzal »

Agree with @GEnx .... We are lacking planes for the closer, middle east areas and for very far areas... A330neo can fill up middle east and 787's can fill up USA,Aus and RSA etc.. Boeing 777 for europe.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by CoyBoy »

Why A330neo? there is a short range Regional version too more suited to the needs.
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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by Amaad Lone »

I think if PIA needs to add another type it is the A321-200.

200 seat all economy, good seat pitch.

Good on board service and should serve PIA for the routes where PIA is currently flying its A310-300s and routes A320-200 is proving small.

If Boeing owes money to PIA might be a good idea to get some spare parts for its 777 fleet to keep them running without problems.

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Re: Boeing Offers to Convert PIA Boeing 777-300ERs Order Into Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Post by uzairali »

GEnx wrote:
uzairali wrote:
GEnx wrote:My personal view is that PIA should go for smaller, efficient wide body aircrafts to replace B777s. And, B787 or A330neo can fill that gap. This will enable PIA to launch new routes as well as increase the frequencies on existing routes. So, for PIA, it will be better to drop B77w in favor of B787s. These aircrafts will enable daily flights to some European and North American cities.

So you mean having a full fleet of only a330/b787? Like b788, 789, 787-10?

I think that is a good idea and haven't thought of it before. The 787-10 can replace b772. PIA can have seats from 242-330. Though PIA lose on the b77w, the 787 same engine, same kind etc can reduce costs. The only issue is initial cost, where b787-10 comes close to b77w cost.
Exactly. Right now, PIA can order 787-8 in order to fill the gap between b777 and A320. Then, when our first of 3 777s will be turning 20 years old in 2023, we can get 787-9 along with b787-10 (or may be b787-10ER, if available). I think there is not even a single destination in Europe or America, that a 777 fly daily. They should focus on increasing frequencies. B787 is a right sized plane for PIA. And 787 family has three members too. So, more diversity in capabilities, while retaining commonality. And while, B787-10 may not be able to fly to New York and Toronto, it will be the most efficient machine for European flights.
A330neo can be equally good, if offered by Airbus on steep discounts. But, PIA has no choice but to order Boeing. Because it has stuck itself in a deal already with Boeing.
I think one b777 lease is finishing next year, b772. Also the LRs will be the ones serving NYC/YYZ for next 10 years at least. Presently sometime I see LR serving domestic routes.

I wonder what's good for ME route, b 787 10 or b772? Both equal size, only thing is fuel burning on such route.

And yes, I always said PIA should go for daily routes instead of thrice weekly. Emirates has lots of customers so I can do daily b777 operation, but PIA not a lot and should go smaller daily operation. Many times customers want to say leave one Tuesday and come back following Tuesday. One flight PIA sells, but other not, so it doesn't show as cheapest option (buying 2 different airlines). Also PIA can serve 7 daily flights to Toronto, which ME3 cannot, so it can definitely win market there.

I wish PIA placed order for 8 b787 instead 5 b777 back in 2011. Today we will not be having to wait for the order or be employing a330 and b787 same time. b787 was struggling too back then due to many reports of problems where fleet was grounded. Good discount time then.