Flight Simulator 2004---- Help Needed!!!

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Post by captain_salman »

Yes I checked the hardware settings there are options to add joysticks but not the mouse,I have manually added for 2 buttons joystick, thought it would work as mouse yoke but no, it was no use...... I just simply cannot activate mouse yoke in FS9.... :( anybody know how to make it work? :help:
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Post by bilookhan »

i am not sure if there is an option to use mouse for yoke in fs9.

If you want to turn the plane while taxiing and you don't have joystick then u can use the arrow keys to turn left and right. Those controls are the same for the rudder as well.

For joystick, if i want to use my rudder, i simply rotate my joystick stick for left and right.
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Post by b777-300lr »

dear mr perry green
i have downloaded the FS ACARS BUT CANT GET IT TO WORK, It always says log of pilot is not there or pilot number not detected. what shall i do??
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Re: Flight Simulator 2004---- Help Needed!!!

Post by Nadir Ali »

b777-300lr wrote:HI ALL
i wanted to know how to work fs 2004,do u need a joystick? how do you get airlines such as emirates,pia and etc in it? how do you get scenery and building in it? i want to know wxactly what happens. how can i use the key board for it? do i hae to pay for airlines?please contact moi soon....im 14 and im very exxxxxciteeedddd anbout playing it i can take off and land but i need help badly!!!!!!!!!please help quickly..abbass bhai and every1 pleasde help!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
Though joysticks and other external controls are not required, I would recomend you get a control yoke and a pair of rudder pedals (a bit expensive though) if you want realism. I've flown on the FS with joystick and I can tell you it's even harder than flying a real plane that has a control yoke and rudder pedals
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Post by Nadir Ali »

captain_salman wrote:Yes I checked the hardware settings there are options to add joysticks but not the mouse,I have manually added for 2 buttons joystick, thought it would work as mouse yoke but no, it was no use...... I just simply cannot activate mouse yoke in FS9.... :( anybody know how to make it work? :help:
Dont you have to click the options menue and then select controls and then turn on the joystick. I dont know but thats how it worked for me in FS98 & FS2000.
It's one thing to plug in the joystick or other controls and then another to make the software to recognise it
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Post by captain_salman »

No use nadir :( I don't think there is an option for mous yoke in FS9, now my only option is to go for the Saitek joystick with rudders, the single joystick is reasonable in price but the full panel with throttle-panel plus dual steering is a bit enxpinsive.... about 600 dirhams :roll: so I guess I will have to buy that..... it could help me in both FS9 and FSX giving realism....

one more question, b777 also asked this above... i have to make a folder for FSACARS in FS9 or what? kind of confused....i'm asking this because I want to resume my flights in VPIA...... :roll:
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Post by vpiahr »

Try this Link, I think that this is what you are looking for.
http://www.lovettsoftware.fsnet.co.uk/M ... _about.htm
Perry Green
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Post by Nadir Ali »

captain_salman wrote:No use nadir :( I don't think there is an option for mous yoke in FS9, now my only option is to go for the Saitek joystick with rudders, the single joystick is reasonable in price but the full panel with throttle-panel plus dual steering is a bit enxpinsive.... about 600 dirhams :roll: so I guess I will have to buy that..... it could help me in both FS9 and FSX giving realism....
Actually you have naother good choice. That tutor that I had he had a car simulator wheel acting as a control yoke and it connected with his rudder pedals perfectly. Im under the impression h must have gotten it cheaper nad they were made by the same company as the rudders. Look into that. You can get rudders for a rasonable price and possibly the steering wheel cheap.

I flew with that and it's almost the same as using a control yoke. I mean technicly it's possible to replace a control yoke with a steering wheel and it'll make very little difference to the pilot. Look into it. If your looking for realistic flying and buy a flight simulator with a joystick, your wasting your money
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b777-300lr - VPIA Help

Post by vpiahr »

b777-300lr wrote:dear mr perry green
i have downloaded the FS ACARS BUT CANT GET IT TO WORK, It always says log of pilot is not there or pilot number not detected. what shall i do??
Can you please make all VPIA related requests for help direct to VPIA at the following address.

Perry Green
Allama Iqbal Int
