raheel wrote:
And my reasoning was that the added flexibility is worth the extra acquisition cost.
And other airlines reasoning is, its worth getting more quantities than to take b789 because extra 50 seats will cost almost nothing.
raheel wrote:
What Japanese airlines, or Air India is doing is completely different to the requirements of PIA. You can not make a comparison based on that. But if you really must, then ANA has changed 15 of their B788 to B789.
Japanese and Air india are doing what?
raheel wrote:
I did not even mention the word tarnish. It does not do anything to IMPROVE the brand image.
Then you should not be saying "dusty." As mentioned, what's inside that counts, not outside. Airlines fly old airplanes.
raheel wrote:
I thought your entire point was for PIA to save money?
Do you think that fixing entertainment system and adding wifi is going to be more expensive than getting new aircrafts? Even if you get new aircrafts, as long as you have old aircrafts with broken system, it does not fix the image.
raheel wrote:
PIA does not need to match the brand image of Middle Eastern Airlines. They compete on providing a non stop service.
Then PIA foremost goal is to have more routes rather than improving brand image with half working and half not fully functioning aircrafts. To do that is to employ a321 aircrafts for ME/east europe etc routes to relieve the b777 for longer routes.
raheel wrote:
Fares have remained unchanged since the induction of the A330s. The A330s are good aircraft, offering working seat entertainment and is equipped with Wi-fi. I am not sure if it is in use though.
Unchanged fares mean PIA is shelling out more money for a330s than b772, hence cutting into it's revenue. Expensive lease = negative profit.
raheel wrote:
I think I know how many pilots need to be trained. They would need to recruit additional pilots for the B777s or the B787s as well. Granted training would be cheaper for B777 as it can be done in-house, the same can be
I think we won't be needing extra pilots for 2 b772s. We actually were supposed to get a b772 before but after 6 or so month the plan was dropped. So certainly we have surplus from that plan.
raheel wrote:
If there is some sort of plan for expansion, we can do that with wet lease aircrafts, as we did in the past. We could also have leased b787 from international lease companies. Albiet more expensive, but at the end of the day, we would have a single series rather than multiple. This way we would also save money on procuring parts for two different aircrafts.
Maintenance costs of A330s are considerably lower than a composite aircraft like the B787. The availability of spare parts is immense, and you can get them for much cheaper.
Waiting for an additional three B787 will take over a year and a half - and that is not in anyway a good strategy when your main aim is to restructure an airline.
Indeed maintenance cost is less for a330, being cheaper parts. This is how airbus, as their plane is not as efficient so they sell cheap etc. But what difference do you think will happen, say 11 b789 vs 8 b789 and 3 a333s? We will have to get extra engines, parts, training. One reason why 6 RR a310 were dropped and just keeping 6 GE active.
raheel wrote:
I don't think it was difficult to understand that such aircraft are not readily available to be inducted into PIA's fleet. As in no airline is willing to lease them out.
Otherwise I can assure you that I know about the existence of flat bed seats on narrow body aircraft.
You said none in market offer that. My response was, they do and if PIA wants, they can have the a320/a321 fitted with flat beds upon receiving or changing current planes.
raheel wrote:
This 'few months' motto is just hearsay. It costs a lot of money to induct these new business class products, and a considerable amount of time to install that must be done within major maintenance checks.
You can put B777 on European routes (As they obviously already are), increase frequencies but that will have a marginal effect on PIA's brand image. Which i must restate is the major point behind the acquisitions of the A330s!!
I saw few months because early 2017 was when b777 are going to start going for their checks. There was already bidding done and accepted for seat selection and who will be installing them.
And to conclude, passengers do not know difference between a330 or b777. What they know is inside. So pia can get "dusty" b772 and install flatbeds etc and people will think the airplane was made yesterday.
From some conversations I have overheard, people think emirates b773 are bigger airplane than PIA b773, because they have 10 seats per row rather than 9.
Now tell me, how are we going to start service to Istanbul? Moscow? Non stop to place in italy, northern africa etc? Or the pacific which is served by a310? These cities cannot fill 300 seats and neither can PIA fly to many cities non stop when it is lacking airplanes. We already have huge market in England and from conversation I've heard, people fly emirates for entertainment and PIA for baggage space. The flatbeds will only cater to business people, but to the ordaniary, they won't care if it has flight entertainment, as they know almost every pia airplane does, but its never working.
What PIA needs to do is increase frequency. People don't want to fly from KHI to ISB to LHR. They rather fly emirates then if it's going to be non stop or available only 2-3 times direct a week.
Sure it will cost very little for PIA to fly b789 instead of b788, but for a cash strapped airline which has loads of slots at airports needs more airplanes.
As an airline that does not have enough airplanes, to me, 10 b788 + 6 a321 (16) is better than 8 b789 and 3 a333 (11). 5 additional aircrafts mean almost 10 extra flights a day, assuming each does 5 hour each way on average. Once I have enough airplanes, then based on space I can upgrade seats with bigger planes b789, b787-10, b773 etc.