OPST - Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004 - Beta Release

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Post by shoaibmalik21 »

nice raihan bhai great job keep it up.

i will wait for its realease.

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Post by Hamad »

Any Updates Raihan bhai???
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Post by ahmedshaikhani »

Raihan Bhai can you release the beta version of it ? We need it to start VPIA Speedex Operations from Sialkot.
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Post by raihans »

ahmedshaikhani wrote:Raihan Bhai can you release the beta version of it ? We need it to start VPIA Speedex Operations from Sialkot.
sorry bro, the total work related to FS is in halt due to my schedule these days; beside this the land line at my home is also not operational and ministry of communication is not taking any action to fix it even after 4 complaints logged :evil:
Raihan SR Bakhsh

EY-B77W, A345, A320, A319, EK-B773, B77W, A388, FZ-B738, GF-L1011, B732, A332, A320, A319, KU-A343, AB6, A310, A320, NL-A320, PK-B707/720, B733, B772, B77L, AB4, A310, A320, QR-A320, A321, A333, A359, A35X, B77W, B788, WY-B738, B739, A333
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Post by PIA10141 »

Updated pics would really help at this stage! Hope u have covered a lot of the scenery by now! SHOW US THE CANDY!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mohsin Naseem - PIA10141
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Post by raihans »

mohsin, i have already given the details to Bilal (shoaibmalik21) who will start the project again. i am not able to work on it due to my busy job schedule :!:
Raihan SR Bakhsh

EY-B77W, A345, A320, A319, EK-B773, B77W, A388, FZ-B738, GF-L1011, B732, A332, A320, A319, KU-A343, AB6, A310, A320, NL-A320, PK-B707/720, B733, B772, B77L, AB4, A310, A320, QR-A320, A321, A333, A359, A35X, B77W, B788, WY-B738, B739, A333
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Wonderful! :)

Post by captain_salman »

Very nice yaar good! I like it!
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Re: In Progress::Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004

Post by raihans »

Hello Ahmed (VPIA) & everyone on this great HOP flightsimulation platform,

long time no update on this project but here are a few words for this post.

New fellow FS designer Mohammed Sarmad aka msarmadk has inspired me a lot to consider this aborted project Sialkot International Airport once again and hope to complete it as soon as possible Insha'Allah.

With his initial help and support, i have been able to understand a bit about the new techniques & tools used in designing the scenery ground texturing. Still it is a learning stage specially in graphics which are not good through my hands.

Anyhow, spent around 2 days for experimenting the same. So far, the progress is good Alhamdulillah and i hope that soon i will be able to lay down the ground polygons. Currently working on rwy 04/22 and hope to complete it soon Insha-Allah.

And i hope that everyone whoever has interest in this project will be anxiously waiting to see the screenshots for the progress so far but i think there will be some time in sharing those screenshots at the moment so please wait for a while!

BTW, if anyone can help me for having the navigational charts, frequencies or other necessay details which can help desiging the scenery then please drop me an email with details.

raihanshahzad@gmail.com or raihanshahzad@hotmail.com
Raihan SR Bakhsh

EY-B77W, A345, A320, A319, EK-B773, B77W, A388, FZ-B738, GF-L1011, B732, A332, A320, A319, KU-A343, AB6, A310, A320, NL-A320, PK-B707/720, B733, B772, B77L, AB4, A310, A320, QR-A320, A321, A333, A359, A35X, B77W, B788, WY-B738, B739, A333
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Re: In Progress::Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004

Post by raihans »

some clarifications are required, if anyone can help?

Beside the runway, there are numbers like 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. These numbers represents the remaining lenght of runway and help the pilot to know the remaining length of runway ahead upon landing or even takeoff. What particular distance is kept in between these number markers? by feet or meters?

Like the runway for sialkot airport is 3600m in length, so what number sequence is there in actual and with what distance?

Secondly, does anyone know the parking IDs at Sialkot aerodrome? as per google earth, 3 parkings are for jets and 3 are for turboprops.
Raihan SR Bakhsh

EY-B77W, A345, A320, A319, EK-B773, B77W, A388, FZ-B738, GF-L1011, B732, A332, A320, A319, KU-A343, AB6, A310, A320, NL-A320, PK-B707/720, B733, B772, B77L, AB4, A310, A320, QR-A320, A321, A333, A359, A35X, B77W, B788, WY-B738, B739, A333
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Re: In Progress::Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004

Post by msarmadk »

I am pretty sure that these are placed 1000 feet apart. So that would be almost 11811 feet for Sialkot airport, so you'd place it 9 times between the two ends of the runways with a distance of 1000 feet between each one and you'd have to leave 400 feet on each side for extra precautions! :wink:
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Re: In Progress::Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004

Post by raihans »

thank you everyone for the replies through PMs as well as through this thread. Today, i would like to share with you some screenshots for the progress so far....hope you will find them at satisfactory level :)

I am redoing the ground textures with some greenry added as the google earth images are not showing the actual colors but in upcoming previews, i will post the screenshots with new textures...appron is in construction at the moment and will be completed once i complete the ground texturing.... does anyone know the parking IDs? please let me know...

runway basic textures are complete but have to add some effects like landing gear touchdown marks etc...which will be added soon....

And please do let me know with your comments so i can ammend accordingly or add further details.... so no more waiting and here we go!!!






Raihan SR Bakhsh

EY-B77W, A345, A320, A319, EK-B773, B77W, A388, FZ-B738, GF-L1011, B732, A332, A320, A319, KU-A343, AB6, A310, A320, NL-A320, PK-B707/720, B733, B772, B77L, AB4, A310, A320, QR-A320, A321, A333, A359, A35X, B77W, B788, WY-B738, B739, A333
irfan khan
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Re: In Progress::Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004

Post by irfan khan »

=D> Raihan Bhai Must say GR8 Job and thanks for considering this scenery again for all of us Please this time complete it we all are waiting for this release you are doing a wonderful job these shots are amazing runway is just looking like the real one Keep it up and keep all of us in loop during the progress work.

Cant Wait for the release................
Thanks and Best Regards
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Re: In Progress::Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004

Post by msarmadk »

Wonderful. I am so glad to see more Pakistani developers coming forward in FS =D>
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Re: In Progress::Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004

Post by irfan khan »

Maybe this would help you Raihan Bhai?


* RUNWAY 3600 (M) long- Flexible
* 45 (M) wide
* 7.5 (M) wide shoulders
* 300 (M) long over-runs on both ends
* LCN 92
* Capable to handle B-747-200, B-747-400 and
* B-777 aircrafts
* Four digits code - OPST

* APRON 45000 SQM
* Capacity:
Four B-747 / B-777 aircrafts at a time
Three B-747 and three F-27 aircrafts


* Capacity:23 (M) wide
* 10 (M) wide shoulders

* AIRFIEED LIGHTING SYSTEM Cat –II (with a provision to convert to Cat-III)
Airfield lighting system comprising:
* Precision approach lights at 04 end
* Simple approach lights at 22 end
* Central and edge lights
* Approach lights


* MISCELLANEOUS Airline maintenance
* Fencing
* Drainage network
* Perimeter track
* Approach lights
* Watch & ward towers

* TDME (Short range)

* GROUND HANDLING EQUIPMENT Ground Power Unit. (140KVA, 115Wolts, 400Hz, 28DC & AC).
* Ground Power Unit. (90KVA, 115Wolts, 400Hz, 28DC & AC).
* Air Starting Unit (6 Bars with 4 Hoses).
* AC Van (90 Tons).
* Main Deck Loader (40000 lbs).
* Low Lobe Loader (15000 lbs)
* Tug Master (45000 to 60000 Kg Operating Weight).
* Tow Tractor For Baggage & Container Trolleys.
* Catering Van.
* Flush Cart.
* Water Cart.
* Passenger Step Self-Propelled.
* Passenger Set Tow Able / Manual.
* Conveyor Belts for Cargo.
* Fork Lifter (3 Tons-5 Tons).
* Dollies.
* Busses
* Ambulances
* Mechanical Sweeper
* Miscellaneous Operational Vehicles & other Equipments

* POWER SUPPLY Wapda Commercial Supply
(From two Different Sources)
* Stand by Generators
* Fuel Farm


* Passenger Terminal Building (Category-‘B’) To be ready by end of 2008 1-1/2 level concept
* Area 10100 SQM (Tentative)
* Capacity–450 Pax
* Provision for future extension

* Temporary Passenger Terminal Building available
* Temporary Passenger Terminal Building available Capacity 350 to 400 cars
* Provision for future extension

* Cargo Terminal Area 4000 SQM (Tentative)
* Capacity 50000 tons per annum
* Import
* Export
* Cargo parking 50-60 trucks
* Admin Building
* Airline Offices (Future)
* Mosque
* Fuel farm
* Nursery
* ASF camp
* Electric supply / distribution system
* Petrol pump & Maintenance facilities (Future)
* Residential area (Future)
* Hotels & motels (Future)
* Club house (Future)
* Other agencies (Future)

* GENERAL Approach road from terminal
to existing Sialkot/Sambrial road
* Internal road net work
Thanks and Best Regards
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Re: In Progress::Sialkot Intl. Airport for FS2004

Post by raihans »

thank you irfan for posting the details, sure some of the details will be helpful :)
Raihan SR Bakhsh

EY-B77W, A345, A320, A319, EK-B773, B77W, A388, FZ-B738, GF-L1011, B732, A332, A320, A319, KU-A343, AB6, A310, A320, NL-A320, PK-B707/720, B733, B772, B77L, AB4, A310, A320, QR-A320, A321, A333, A359, A35X, B77W, B788, WY-B738, B739, A333