sry your looking at 2GB of data i recalculated for Lahore fits onto dvd so i will be shipping worldwide, all i ask is people pay for postage and packing and cost of 1 blank dvd! since u live in Canada your looking at $10 us dollars for shippping costs and blank dvd cost.
wish i could pay.. lol.. im just 15, i cant pay by myself, i got no bank account or any credit card or even any pay pal account lol... so yea, i wish i could get it tho.. lol
Thanks for the reminder Rashad. It was more a case of "if only" which of course does not help and has no value when dealing with the legalities.
So looks like you will hopefully have many requests for all your hard work.
are the images from google maps? if so, then they do not have any restrictions, just some info. I know because Flytampa had confirmed it from their sources...
Hey guys...........em new here..........rashad u r doing an excellent job............i just wana dat when u r on ground then y buildings appear to b flat......... and is there any solution to it.......and when r u going to release Pakistan project as a whole...........
Great shots! love your work brother.......... can I download the scenery or is it payware? ??? if it is payware how much is the price and where can i get it ??? and is it made for FS2004 ????