Hello, I downloaded the Fly Tampa Dubai. I installed but there are some blue boxes and red cross marks are on the scenery. Here are some pictures please help me out to fix this.
PIA - F27, ATR42, A310, B742, B743, B772, B773 | SA - A300, B743, B744, B772 | EK - A332, A345, B773 | Thai A300, A333, A346, B744, B772 | Malaysian B734, A332, B772 | Air Asia A320 | Fire Fly ATR72.
This looks like you have the Demo version. You need to pay for the key to fully unlock the program. If you already have the key best thing is to contact the support.
i have the key but I don't where to write it because when I started the Installation it said no FS detected you will have to Install Manually. I did manually can you tell me where I can enter the serial ?
PIA - F27, ATR42, A310, B742, B743, B772, B773 | SA - A300, B743, B744, B772 | EK - A332, A345, B773 | Thai A300, A333, A346, B744, B772 | Malaysian B734, A332, B772 | Air Asia A320 | Fire Fly ATR72.
At a guess it could be that you may have to browse to the correct location you have FS installed ........... not too certain though. Have you tried the Forum on Fly Tampa site? Failing that maybe worth you contacting Fly Tampa. Hope this helps you to get up and running.