Flight: PK757
Origin: Lahore- Allama Iqbal Int'l
Destination: London Heathrow
Dept. Time: 10:40
Arrv. Time: 14:16(Scheduled: 14:10)
Status: Arrived
Aircraft: B777-200/ER AP-BHX
Used Programs:
-Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
-Mega Airport London Heathrow
-Lahore Scenery
-Simmer's Sky World Airliners(B772ER)
-Airport Enhancement Service 1.93
-Active Camera
-Ground Environment Pro

PK757: ,,Door are closed, Aircraft ready for pushback!''

PIA AP-BHX Tail and Saudi Tail

PK757 is ready for Taxi

Lahore Tower, Pakistani 757 is ready for Departure to Heathrow.

Front view on Runway

Beautiful T/O.

Inflight Shot: Over Europe in 35000 Ft.

Final Approach Runway 09L

Touchdown at the biggest Airport in Europe-London Heathrow

Parked at Gate 523 at new Terminal 5
Deboarding had already started

In the background you can see the waiting Aircraft, waiting for their T/O Clearance
I hope you have enjoy the pics.
Comments are Welcome!