T.Kirmani Interview On Business Plus Channel

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Amaad Lone
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T.Kirmani Interview On Business Plus Channel

Post by Amaad Lone »

Last night I got a chance to hear a bit of Tariq Kirmani's interview on Business Plus.

His knowlege about the PIA 747 fleet is quite poor. He said the age of the fleet is between 26-29 years old. Has he gone mad, making his fleet actually older then it is.

AP-BAK, July 1979, that is nearly 28 years in service.

AP-BAT, March 1980, that is exactly 27 years in service.

Then the six 747-300s, one built in 1985, two in 1986, two in 1987 and one in 1988, or a range of 22 to 19 years.

Then he had the balls to compare himself to Richard Branson and the chairman of United Airlines. Claiming that if they are qualified to run an airline so is he, as both of them also don't have aviation backgrounds.

The moron does not realize that Branson took Virgin from two second-hand 747-100s to what it is today in less then 20 years.

Plus he claimed that the only reason PIA is in loss is due to high fuel prices, as everything else is up. I guess he forgot to mentioned how PIA has raised fares and put on fuel surcharge to offset the increase in fuel prices, yet it has pilled up a huge losses.

He talked about issues like ticketing and checkin facilities are getting better, but could give a clear answer when asked about the restrictions
A310s and 747s are facing. Basically saying that two leased A310-300s will restore the european flights, and the rest will be sorted out in two to three months.

So no PIA 747s to UK till June, and only leased Turkish planes to remaining european cities.

He did say that PIA is concentrating on 777 flights to Paris, from where airlines will take PIA passengers to differenct cities in Europe, so a mini-hub in euorpe. Now that was the only interesting point, until the channel was shut down due to poor signal.

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Post by hjmemon »

He did say that PIA is concentrating on 777 flights to Paris, from where airlines will take PIA passengers to differenct cities in Europe, so a mini-hub in euorpe. Now that was the only interesting point, until the channel was shut down due to poor signal.
So thats why PIA bought 777s :? to operate them to EU. I thought they were supposed to do Direct flight to N.America and open up new Destinations.
Well Keep it up TK. :idea:
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Post by chevron »

hjmemon wrote:
He did say that PIA is concentrating on 777 flights to Paris, from where airlines will take PIA passengers to differenct cities in Europe, so a mini-hub in euorpe. Now that was the only interesting point, until the channel was shut down due to poor signal.
So thats why PIA bought 777s :? to operate them to EU. I thought they were supposed to do Direct flight to N.America and open up new Destinations.
Well Keep it up TK. :idea:
Well if Mr TK keep it up, the day is not far when PIA will be operating 777s Non-Stop from KHI - ISB. :roll:

:idea: TK should take to the air in high flyin baloon like Richard Branson ...maybe... 8)
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Post by A310pilot »

I find it funny how Americans sold them LRs but won't let them do nonstop direct flights from Pakistan.

Still scared some suspects may slip through.

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Post by Amaad Lone »

I find it funny how Americans sold them LRs but won't let them do nonstop direct flights from Pakistan.

Still scared some suspects may slip through.
You know what is funnier, how Pakistanis never accept responsibility for their own mistakes, always blaming others for their problems. Saying how its unfair that PIA is restricted from EU, or not allowing non-stop flights to the US.

A number of muslim country airlines have been operating non-stop flight to the US for years. Alia, Saudia and Egyptair to name a few.

The problem with Pakistanis is the our VVVVVVIP culture refuses to die.

Every choora chmar who is given some form of authority wants to flaunt it.

They want to walk past security/immigration/customs while dozens of suckers stand in line to be cleared for boarding.

The Americans want Pakistan to make security strict for everyone, and everyone, and that is something our rulers are refusing to do.

So don't blame the US or Boeing for selling planes to PIA, its our own fault that non-stop flights to the US are not starting.

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Post by A310pilot »

how do u explain nonstop direct flights to YYZ (toronto) ?

You know and I know. Americans have gone a bit overboard with all this terrorist crap.

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Post by AN »

What really takes the cake is when TK was asked about the LR's and why they were bought if USA operations couldnt be commenced. He said that they are operating toronto flights with the LR, and cannot operate all of the US as well with only two aircraft. So it is justified that they are only operating toronto and not the US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i.e. it they bought 2 aircraft to operate 3 (now 2) weekly flights to toronto. Thats 150$ (aprox) mil a piece, for a total of 300$ mil. At 3 flights a week, calculate how long it will take to cover the cost of those aircraft.
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Post by A310pilot »

Priceless reply by Mr. TK. :D

Well I suppose always a good side . I can get to lahore in 14hrs LOL
