PIA clips FlyBE @ MAN ?

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PIA clips FlyBE @ MAN ?

Post by Jacobin777 »

According to this Airliners.net thread, a PK has "clipped" a FlyBE plane in Manchester...anyone have any info on it?

http://www.airliners.net/discussions/ge ... n/3259429/
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Re: PIA clips FlyBE @ MAN ?

Post by PIA10141 »

sounds true, one person even posted a pic of the FlyBe with a twisted rudder..... :shock: but no visible damage to AP-BGY as the person said.
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Post by SENIOR »

The flight was PK723/15FEB07 KHI-MAN-JFK AP-BGY operated by Capt Masood Ahmed STA/STD 0940/1140LT ex MAN.
BGY was taxing out during its departure for JFK when it clipped the FLYBE jet. FLYBE came out worse off with a gash at the top end of the rudder,
but BGY came out with barely any damage and was declared serviceable within the hour if not earlier.
But due to the accident both aircraft are grounded until the authorities have completed their investigations.
PK723 was carrying around 150pax in transit and were offloaded and sent to hotels last night
and are being adjusted with pax on PK715/16FEB07 KHI-LHE-MAN-JFK AP-BHW B777-300 today.
Last edited by SENIOR on Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jacobin777 »

Thanks for the update..:)

this link has a photo of the PK 777...

http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ ... rport.html

glad to hear nothing happened to the 777.... :D
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Post by PK777 »

There is some pics of the incident on the airliners.net dicussion forum.
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Post by Abbas Ali »


Capt. Imran Shirazi was not commanding the Boeing 777-240LR (AP-BGY) involved in this incident.

In fact, on February 15, Capt. Imran Shirazi commanded a PIA Boeing 777-240ER flight PK-722 from Manchester to Karachi.

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Post by pkjet »

As usual, because it's a PIA plane, the media have a field day...I can recall many indidents involving other airlines at MAN that never see the light of day.

And yes Abbas, reference the crew information for BGY, perhaps it would indeed be better if people put factual info on here rather than play guessing games.
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Post by SENIOR »

Your right Abbas I've just checked it was actually Capt Masood Ahmed, apologies for that #-o........amended accordingly !!
I've also learnt that ATC did give clerance for taxi to BGY even though there wasn't enough separtion between the two aircraft in addition the Capt was told,
quote "to exercise caution" which means what ?
You might or you might not clear ?
Look out of your window and make sure ?
BGY even though staying on its center line and with clearance from the tower still clipped FLYBE leaving the Capt to excerise caution with only inches to spare, now who's at fault ?
Anyone shed any light on this case ?
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Post by Noonray »

The PIA pilot had to be way off centreline to clip a wingtip. Was he? Was the Flybe Dash 8's tail well and truly clear of the taxiway? Or did the controller wrongly allow PIA to taxi out while the taxiway was not clear? Remember, last year it was trumpeted that the PIA captain removed from the cockpit at Manchester was intoxicated. All this before toxicology test results came through. He was subsequently found quite clear, causing red faces at the accusers' Manchester Airport Authority and the Airport Police. Both withdrew charges with an apology. Why did this happen? The captain had the previous day scolded an airport functionary for inefficiency who to get revenge tipped off the police falsely. They acted like bulls in a china shop, unfair, stupid bulls at that.

So let's wait for the enquiry results on this incident before we chew out PIA or its pilots.
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Post by Noonray »


Glad you will 'exercise caution' in future before naming anybody. Your information about 'exercise caution' is incomplete though. This is never said generally, the reason to do so is always given specifically, eg 'Clear taxi on alpha, exercise caution for vehicles near intersection with taxiway bravo' etc etc. When the controller says 'exercise caution.....' the responsibility for the original clearance still rests with him while the pilot's responsibility is to be careful.
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Post by cpt_747 »

Noonray wrote:The captain had the previous day scolded an airport functionary for inefficiency who to get revenge tipped off the police falsely. They acted like bulls in a china shop, unfair, stupid bulls at that.
Excuse me. Who are you calling "bulls, stupid bulls"? Police did follow their guidelines. This kind of accusation is not only serious but could also be fatal (if they hadn't responded the way they did). You are talking about 200-300 lives at risk. I am sorry but we’d do everything possible for us to make sure that the suspect is innocent before we let him/her take the charge of a particular aircraft. We take pride doing our job but it’s unfair to undermine our efforts and hard work.
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Post by Noonray »

Is the procedure not to breathalyse first and at a positive reading to follow up with drawing blood and urine specimens, the final verdict always being pronounced only after the last two have been tested to determine authoritatively if the limit has been breached? It's not that the police exceeded their remit on that occasion. Except, a guilty judgement was trumpeted and flashed across the media prematurely about the time the captain was removed from the cockpit. Results were not waited for. That was very improper if not illegal, for, isn't it "Innocent unless proven guilty"? (fair play and all that, chaps). The results of course exonerated the captain, to much chagrin all round, but the damage had been done.

Do the police storm into cockpits generally whenever a Tom, Dick or prankster weighs in with a tip?
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Post by SENIOR »

I thought the topic of discussion was 'PIA clipping FLYBE' ??
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Post by DEZI »

pkjet wrote:As usual, because it's a PIA plane, the media have a field day...I can recall many indidents involving other airlines at MAN that never see the light of day.
It is an occurence ISN't it? Can you deny it?
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Post by R.F. »

Standard Phraseology also transmitted on the ATIS specially when taxing out of LHR and MAN 'PILOTS TO EXCERCISE CAUTION WINGTIP CLEARENCE NOT ASSURED' also clearly stated on the taxi chart.

However statistically chances of ground incidents are more and requires utmost vigilance whilst taxing especially in congested areas such as the apron.