PIA Express??? When Did This Come Up???

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Abbas Ali
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Post by Abbas Ali »

Today, according to AAJ TV channel, angry passengers were seen at Islamabad Airport because PIA was unable to operate 'PIA Express' flight PK-313 on ISB-LHE-KHI route due to unavailability of the aircraft.

Is AP-BIC grounded at Karachi Airport?
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Post by cheetah »

AP-BIC has not operated a single flight as yet. PIA was hasty in advertising the flight when BIC has still not recieved clearence from CAA.
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Post by DEZI »

zerbaer wrote:Adnan..... Agreed that full load B747 would be step in the right direction. However, any domestic destinations/sectors are too short to make a significant impact. The cycle/hour ratio of 1:1.5 isn't good at all. 1 cycle = 4 hrs & higher are reasonable to put the numbers in perspective -Imagine what (1.5 hr/cycl) it does to the maint. & ops costs that are cycles based! As for fuel & performance, we all know altitude & a fair distance & good load for a big 'jet' airplane are essentials specially in a must make it situation like PK's. On short sectors the fuel for climb alone can be the killer for a big plane, to say nothing of the induced/extra maint. & wear.

Chorman & co are already making clandestine arrangements to farm out some of the key costly functions of PIA. Would be some deal on same lines as Sabre, Swissport etc i.e PK continues to pay & operate as it has been plus pays X party for pretending to be doing it.
zerbaer, could you please elaborate on the alleged clandestine arrangement scenario?
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Post by zerbaer »

Can't elaborate much as far as any details are concerned. The CEO addressed Engg Deptt yesterday. Few noteworthy things he said included:
* Employee to aircraft ratio will be reduced from 500 to 300 per aircraft
* Engg. will become a separate entity
* Line Maintenance will remain
* With reduced employees he will be able to raise salaries
* Those who have turned in resignations will be let go
.......... and so on.
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Post by DEZI »

* Is the CEO increasing the number of planes? If yes who funds them?
The amount of mark-up installment in PIA budget?
* The gossip at Islu is that PIA will be under the hammer after the selling
off the key money making functions of PIA?
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Post by CoyBoy »

Saw PIA Express flight leaving KHI yesterday morning, was it revenue or test?
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Abbas Ali
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Post by Abbas Ali »

Today, AP-BIC operated PIA Express flight PK-312 from Karachi to Lahore. Lahore-Islamabad-Lahore segment of the flight was cancelled.

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