PIA Express??? When Did This Come Up???

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Post by SalamPaks »

Looking at the ad, it appears that PIA Express will be a service level on specific flights where meal and snack services and maybe even IFE services will be omitted.

That would make it similar to the Night Coach concept, which I believe was very succesful.

If it's only going to be one aircraft used for these flights, I suppose it's possible to have a separate Express livery.
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Post by samee380 »

in my opinion this is a good move from PIA but i was expecting this a little earlier but never mind its getting done now.

I hope to see a new livery for PIA Express. so photographers keep your eyes in the skies on christmas day! :lol:

havent they not copied alitte off "Air India Express"? but who cares :roll:

its good improvement just hope they make profit.

PIA Express should probably get the 737-300 from PIA and use these or get some 737-800 like AI ?

will they probably buy more aircraft? will PIA express serve international routes also?

BTW is this fully-owned by PIA? i suspect so
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Post by atmalik »

lets see how this experiment works for PIA. if any one heras abt it please do share.
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Post by PK777 »

Samee, I was thinking the same about the AI thing... isnt this going to put pressure on Airblue, Aero Asia and Shaheen as they are the airlines with lower fares?
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Post by Lufthansa Cargo »

Will the fact that they are operating a b747 on these express routes cause problems especially with the cheaper ticket price? I can see this happening with the 737s due to size. and maybe the ATRs, but not the 74s. In this way how are they really profitting?
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Post by Abbas Ali »

Photo of the aircraft in 'PIA Express' markings is on following link:

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Post by AM »

AP-BIC is grounded to date 26th Dec pending Flight Standards approval due lack of documentation.PIA express has not flown yet.
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Post by Abbas Ali »

To launch PIA Express why didn't PIA chose one or two of its own smaller aircraft like A310 or B737 instead of old gas guzzler B747-200 (AP-BIC) ? Would it be economical to fly B747 on Islamabad-Lahore route?

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Post by Adnan Anwar »

Abbas Ali wrote:To launch PIA Express why didn't PIA chose one or two of its own smaller aircraft like A310 or B737 instead of old gas guzzler B747-200 (AP-BIC) ? Would it be economical to fly B747 on Islamabad-Lahore route?

Most likely they have no spare aircraft but the 747-200.
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Post by nutsforplanes »

This whole program is flawed. What's 'express' for somebody who is travelling from Khi-Isl. Pay 20% less and spend an extra hour and half visiting Lhe.

Abbas I agree with you. Has PIA ever done LHE-ISB with 747 before?
I hope this never takes-off, not with that junk
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Post by Amaad Lone »

PIA Express is a product that should have been similar to the shuttle flights between New York City, Boston and Washington DC.

The difference is that these shuttles operate every 30 minutes, while PIA Express will operate a flight ever four to six hours.

Using smaller 150 seaters, PIA should have launched seperate flights between Karachi-Islamabad-Karachi and Karachi-Lahore-Karachi. Atleast every hour departure. The concept of "Express" is quick, and operating a 747 twice a day between the three hubs is hardly express.

Why would somebody fly between Karachi and Islamabd via Lahore, and spend as much time on ground (in Lahore) as in the air. Hey INSIDER another great move by your current amazing management, can you explain why this brilliant move must have occured, because I think its really funny.

Also why bother launching a new label?? Would be better to just reduce the domestic fares 20% across the board, and just induct AP-BIC in the regular fleet. But then again PIA management knows what we can only try to figure out.

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Post by cheetah »

I do not totally disagree with this move by PIA. Also this is not a permanent move, just an avenue to utilize an idle plane which PIA has now leased on very easy terms.

The concept is say similar to Japan, 1 to 2 hour 747 flights on high density routes between Tokyo & Osaka, after all thats what the 747SR was developed for. Now that the Oil proces are low and complimented with
good lease terms, this flight can be made profitable with some good marketing.
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PIA Express ??? When did this come up???

Post by VC10 »

Assalam-o -Aleikum, and seasons greetings to all.
There has long been a thought that a 'legacy'carrier cannot successfully establish a successful low-cost arm.This has largely been promulgated by the failure iof US majors to do so.
However, as an Aussie, I need to draw your attention to the new(ish) Qantas offshoot Jetstar.This has utilised the traditional low cost model of a single aircraft type, but not all at once, with initially B-717s being replaced by A-320s, such that at one stage the fleet was mixed.The carrier also used 'secondary'airfields. I would be interested to know if any such strips exist in KHI, LHE or ISB where landing fees etc are cheaper.In-flight amenities ranging from a simple cold drink to a full hot meal are available on Jetstar at a cost - nothing is free. And finally, of course, the aircraft are in a one class configuration.
This has has proven to be a winning combination for Qantas, so that as I'm sure you're all aware that they have set up international lowcost ops, again using a transitional fleet initially composed of A-330-200s, to be phased out when the B-787 arrives. The principles remain the same except that this is a two class operation with Star ( Business ) Class passengers afforded 38" legroom and full in-flight service ( purely because of the length of the sectors flown ).
The point I'm trying to make, is that I agree with Adnaan786 and Moin, that if PIA are serious there's no reason why this Express idea can't be viable.Sadly they don't have the resources to set it up as per Qantas, but a single aircraft type ( ideally the B-737 if any can be freed up), in a single class configuration, landing at secondary airfields in or around KHI, LHE and ISB, with all in-flight amenities available to purchase should work.
As for the other problems facing PIA......
Peace to all, Mike, Australia.
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Post by Adnan Anwar »

mohammad abdulaziz wrote:I hope this initiative does not turn out to be disastrous. I wonder if PIA is capable of making profit even at 20% less fare, how come they are sustaining “unprecedented” losses at the prevailing fares. I hope PIA management has done the needed home work prior to launching this initiative. Anyway, best of luck to PIA
IN my opinion, with a 747 it will be only profitable if you always leave with a full passenger load from every deaprture city. Chances are very low for that, atleast I think.
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Post by zerbaer »

Adnan..... Agreed that full load B747 would be step in the right direction. However, any domestic destinations/sectors are too short to make a significant impact. The cycle/hour ratio of 1:1.5 isn't good at all. 1 cycle = 4 hrs & higher are reasonable to put the numbers in perspective -Imagine what (1.5 hr/cycl) it does to the maint. & ops costs that are cycles based! As for fuel & performance, we all know altitude & a fair distance & good load for a big 'jet' airplane are essentials specially in a must make it situation like PK's. On short sectors the fuel for climb alone can be the killer for a big plane, to say nothing of the induced/extra maint. & wear.

Chorman & co are already making clandestine arrangements to farm out some of the key costly functions of PIA. Would be some deal on same lines as Sabre, Swissport etc i.e PK continues to pay & operate as it has been plus pays X party for pretending to be doing it.
Last edited by zerbaer on Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:11 am, edited 2 times in total.