Some thing to ponder!!

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Some thing to ponder!!

Post by PALPA »

I was just lookin around with PIA`s total fatal accident records and i found that all of them except one (which invloved a major external factor) were commanded by ex-airforce pilots.

Now this clearly refers to the training quality of our ex-airforce crew which i believe is due to the one man show training which they receive at the academy.
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Post by R.F. »

Very unfair observation PALPA. Accidents are always a chain of events and in order to avoid an accident this chain has to be broken. Airforce does have a higher rate of accidents but that is not due to thier training or rather lack of training, it only reflects their nature of flight opertions where risk taking is an integral part of the job.

Where as on the civil side the flight crew is trained not to indulge in unneccesary risks and rather keep the flight last and safety first.

Therefore the airforce pilots involved in these accidents had as much training in the airline as his civilian counterpart, however what needs to be seen are the contributive factors or the chain of events that lead to the accident.