This age requirement of 55 is asinine..there are MANY people in their 40s (even in their 30s) who know what they are doing and are young and hungry to opposed to some 55+ year old who could care less about the company succeeding and cares more about his/her pension...
The CEO/Chairman of American Airlines, the LARGEST carrier in the world is only 47.
Jacobin777 wrote:This age requirement of 55 is asinine..there are MANY people in their 40s (even in their 30s) who know what they are doing and are young and hungry to opposed to some 55+ year old who could care less about the company succeeding and cares more about his/her pension...
The CEO/Chairman of American Airlines, the LARGEST carrier in the world is only 47.
The CEO of British Airways in only 44!
what a joke....
55 years is the maximum age for this job. Candidates should be 55 or less than 55 years old.
Agreed Jacobin... And see another requirement that is actually a plus point that the candidate should have a 5-year experience of senior management in any airline... Now who will leave any airline for PIA particularly when the airline is at this critical stage and struggling for its survival?
Abbas Ali wrote:
55 years is the maximum age for this job. Candidates should be 55 or less than 55 years old.
My bad..dumb mistake on my part.. for some reason I thought it said "minimum"...but the gist of my comment is correct....
This is actually a good move by PK then.. so they don't have to worry about some bloke who wants to join PK for benefits only....
AP-BGL wrote:Agreed Jacobin... And see another requirement that is actually a plus point that the candidate should have a 5-year experience of senior management in any airline... Now who will leave any airline for PIA particularly when the airline is at this critical stage and struggling for its survival?
An MBA qualification for this post is not required. The Chief MBA is now leading a losing team. When was the last time that we saw PIA develop as a winning team?
and what makes you offend or stating that the said post does not require an MBA?
Could you please elaborate that an MBA is not required for the SVP Corporate Planning. If you really think that an idiot from flight operations with 40 years of experience or a grease monkey from maintenance is a perfect fit, you live in an unreal world.
The same old school of thought had brought PIA to the present scenario. Let the management (MBAs) handle it. I would say, one can pick and choose among the best available in the aviation industry, and I tell you there are a lot available. You have to pay the right price.
I would give you a simple example;
The price of gasoline was Rs 40/litre, you buy it, bcoz you drive. Price goes up Rs 50/litre, you still buy it, bcoz you drive, it goes up to Rs 70 / litre, you will still buy it, bcoz you NEED to drive. If something goes up and becomes your necessity, you have to buy it.
So buy the best available, and carry on your operations....the lot available in PIA is CHEAP.
Abbas Ali wrote:
55 years is the maximum age for this job. Candidates should be 55 or less than 55 years old.
My bad..dumb mistake on my part.. for some reason I thought it said "minimum"...but the gist of my comment is correct....
This is actually a good move by PK then.. so they don't have to worry about some bloke who wants to join PK for benefits only....
AP-BGL wrote:Agreed Jacobin... And see another requirement that is actually a plus point that the candidate should have a 5-year experience of senior management in any airline... Now who will leave any airline for PIA particularly when the airline is at this critical stage and struggling for its survival?
Some people would take it as a challange to reinvent the whole airline. Iacocca, Mullay and Fiorina are just such people. They have taken troubled companies and turned them around. In case of Iacocca, it was Chrysler, Mulally did it with Boeing and Carly was at helm of HP and prior to that at Lucent. This might be a good challange for a smart person to actually turn PIA around and take it out of the woods.
Just when you thought you were winning the rat race, along came faster rats!!!
PakN'US wrote:Some people would take it as a challange to reinvent the whole airline. Iacocca, Mullay and Fiorina are just such people. They have taken troubled companies and turned them around. In case of Iacocca, it was Chrysler, Mulally did it with Boeing and Carly was at helm of HP and prior to that at Lucent. This might be a good challange for a smart person to actually turn PIA around and take it out of the woods.
Very well said! I fully agree with your statement.
Abbas Ali wrote:
55 years is the maximum age for this job. Candidates should be 55 or less than 55 years old.
My bad..dumb mistake on my part.. for some reason I thought it said "minimum"...but the gist of my comment is correct....
This is actually a good move by PK then.. so they don't have to worry about some bloke who wants to join PK for benefits only....
AP-BGL wrote:Agreed Jacobin... And see another requirement that is actually a plus point that the candidate should have a 5-year experience of senior management in any airline... Now who will leave any airline for PIA particularly when the airline is at this critical stage and struggling for its survival?
Some people would take it as a challange to reinvent the whole airline. Iacocca, Mullay and Fiorina are just such people. They have taken troubled companies and turned them around. In case of Iacocca, it was Chrysler, Mulally did it with Boeing and Carly was at helm of HP and prior to that at Lucent. This might be a good challange for a smart person to actually turn PIA around and take it out of the woods.
I hope the position allows the successful candidate to truly make a difference. However, like so many executive positions in PIA, it is likely that this person will be unable to make any meaningful changes ecause of the vested interests, government interference and general laxadasical pace of the airline's staff.